been reading through, and this thread caught my eye. Figure I would do a little research and try to pin point an approximate cost to actually doing this. Now I am no ballistics effort, most of the info I found online from manufactures or wiki pages. Also I am not condoning the actual production and use of this, so therefore am not responsible and can not be held accountable if someone were to make this and test it out on themselves, I would ask though, that I am the one who can post it to Darwin Awards if you do test it and somehow "injure" yourself.
Now to build one of these complete armors for actual use would rule, but as said in the many posts above this......EXPENSIVE. Now if one has the desire, there are places you could buy the ceramic plates, and maybe build around those. An example of the cost, and remember this is for 1 plate only, no vest included:
Description Size: 10" x 12" Ceramic plates level IV :Body Armor Plates
Weight: 7 pounds (2.8 kg)
Thickness: 0.69 inch (1.75 cm)
Materials: Aramid Fiber bonded (Aluminum Oxide 98%)
Protection Level: Level III Protection Level: Level IV in conjuction with a IIIA vest.
Available in triple curve . (price is per plate)
will defeat the following threats:
7.62 × 54mm lead core ball ammunition, Dragunov Sniper Rifle at 50 meters
7.62 × 54mm AP, Dragunov Sniper Rifle at 50 meters
7.62 × 51mm NATO ball ammunition at 10 meters
7.62 × 51mm AP M-61 at 10 meters
7.62 × 39mm mild steel core, AK-47 at 10 meters
7.62 × 63mm AP at 10 meters
5.56 × 45mm SS109/M855 at 10 meters
5.56 × 45mm M193 ball at 10 meters
5.45 × 39mm Russian ball at 10 meters
12 gauge slug at 10 meters (perfect for Griff)
Now keep in mind, that when a bullet stikes the ceramic, it will not just bounce or deflect off, it will actually "break or shatter" the ceramic. That is why there is a protective coating over it, to keep the shards from hitting the wearer.
With that, figure you would need 2 plates for the torso armor (front and back), 1 piece for the groin (probably not ceramic though, unless you are into that), 1 butt plate (waiting for the jokes to follow), legs and arms. So in total, maybe like 10 - 12 pieces of varying shapes and sizes. Now the piece that was exampled above is about $375.00, and a groin armor cup is about $350.00. These pieces would be what you would make you hard armor around, possibly with a Titanium or even Tungsten Steel (not sure how heavy the tungsten would be) I say possibly Tungsten due to it being used on Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discardable Sabot rounds (APFSDS). For the under suit, I would go with a Nomex suit of some kind.
As for Kevlar, there are other materials out there as well, such as Dyneema which is 15 times stronger than steel and 40% stronger than Kevlar. There is also Spectra, but not sure of its properties. Dyneema and Spectra are actually a Synthetic fibers made from plastic.
SO let's take a guestimate of the costs
Nomex flight suit : about $175.00 (new, not Ebay)
Standard level III-A Vest : about $945.00 (this will stop most 9mm and .44 magnum)
Ballistic Neck/Shoulder protection: About $145.00
Ceramic Rifle plates : $375.00 x2 (chest and back) protects (see specs above)
Other Ceramic Pieces : estimated $300.00 and up (due to specifications and sizes)
I will warrant a guess at around $2000.00 - $4000.00 for about 8 pieces (2R. Arm, 2L. Arm, 2R.Leg, 2R. leg)
I say 2 pieces for reasons of putting it on.
just all this would cost about $5000.00. Now my feelings are it would probably be higher, due to having to make custom pieces of ceramics. I also did not include the helmet, cause in order to get our favorite armor look, well there would be a lot of mods needed on it. The Level IIIA Helmet is $465.00 just to let you know.
So if one were to have the money, the time and effort, and the yearning, you could probably pull off an actual work of art and wear it in the middle of a riot or fire fight (not that I would recommend or condone this sort of activity).