So I have been working on a Halo 4/5 Venator build. I have ran into many complications though. The Venator isn't a widely built set so I have had to model and unfold some peices on my own. Since I live in a small town in Tennessee I don't have any access to the EVA foam mats. Thankfully I am going out to get some tomorrow! But I have been hard at work on my helmet. At first I configured my printer wrong so it printed out the helmet too small, I thought that meant I would need to restart but I decided to go with it. Since then I have assembled the paper, resined, and fiberglassed the helmet. It is crazy strong, thanks to the fiberglass (I have used rondo in the past and I'm never using it again). But I am working hard at it and I am going to start the boots (to get a feel for the foam before I start the chest) tomorrow. If anyone has any tips they would be greatly appreciated, and I will continue to update this thread on my build.