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Hey guys. I am wondering if you resin, bondo, sand and decorate and then put in the visor, or what? I was afraid if I put in the visor too soon and spray painted, the visor could be colored too.

I am too cheap to buy a motorcycle helmet, so what can I do instead?
Personally, the visor would be the last thing I'd fit.
By all means, trial fit it for clearance etc. but remove it for prep/painting.
You can buy visors individually - no need to get the entire helmet.
Alternatively, if it's cheaper, you could probably hunt down a second hand helmet.
Another alternative to a motorcycle visor is to search for polycarbonate (more durable, more expensive) or clear plastic sheets (less costly, easier to crack/split/break). If you go for polycarbonate, I wouldn't advise going any thicker than 1/16th of an inch (roughly 1.6 mm) as it will be far more difficult to shape. If it doesn't bend easily or retain its shape you can heat it with a heat gun, hair drier (not as effective) or very, very carefully use an oven on very low heat (wouldn't advise this, though, and if you do use this method would be best to not be using the same oven you cook food in). You can sometimes find these sheets pre-tinted, or you can go clear and use automotive window tinting film, which would offer a wider selection of color tints, as well as metalic/reflective films.
Go to your local motorcycle shop and ask if they have any scratched pieces laying around that theyd be willing to give you. I went in with the intention to spend some money and I told the parts guy what I was doing and he just gave me two shields for FREE. It pays to ask!
I know visors sometimes tends to not be in the shape so what do I have to do so that it fits properly and won't bend the helmet in anyway? My friend made a Mk VI once, and the visor was a tad big, but he just glued it in anyways, and I guess the helmet stretched with it too.
I know visors sometimes tends to not be in the shape so what do I have to do so that it fits properly and won't bend the helmet in anyway? My friend made a Mk VI once, and the visor was a tad big, but he just glued it in anyways, and I guess the helmet stretched with it too.

You fit the visor to the helmet after the hardening process, so there should be no warpage.

I highly recommend Blackula727's method for installing a visor (Katsu provided the link)

It allows you to fit your visor to your helmet before you've even started the paint job, and it allows you the option of switching your visor out if it ever gets scratched up or if you want to change tint colors or repaint your helmet.

I used this method on my own helmet (Blackula beat me to the tutorial)...






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