Jr Member
Hey pal nice to see you back in the Armouricum again!
Those files look great - I may borrow that abs design and apply it to my own build but free craft the edges to fit with Judge's chest file
My WIP is going fine thanks - progress is slow as of late, all the files are pepped but we're having some bad weather here in Scotland which is preventing me getting outside to do the resin coats. Also I had to move all my pep pieces out to my parents home as they were driving my girl crazy haha.
Anyway your GK stuff looks cool - keep up the good work.
I think Judge is progressing slowly but steadily too.
P.S. Ex GW here too haha
I actually went and dug out a load of unpainted Assault Marines last night to paint again as I haven't done it in a long time 
Those files look great - I may borrow that abs design and apply it to my own build but free craft the edges to fit with Judge's chest file
My WIP is going fine thanks - progress is slow as of late, all the files are pepped but we're having some bad weather here in Scotland which is preventing me getting outside to do the resin coats. Also I had to move all my pep pieces out to my parents home as they were driving my girl crazy haha.
Anyway your GK stuff looks cool - keep up the good work.
I think Judge is progressing slowly but steadily too.
P.S. Ex GW here too haha