This is incredibly impressive! Looking trot ward to seeing the final cut.
Thank you!
Have you ever tried Cinema 4D... with your skills in a program such as Blender, I couldn't even imagine what you could do in Cinema 4D or more advanced programs.
I have not tried any other program for modelling other than Blender, but it's never too late to learn haha.
Lol. C4D isn't the be all end all of 3d programs, even though a lot of people in the YT speed modeling and graphics tutorials scene like to make it seem like it is. Blender is actually a better polygon modeling program than Cinema 4D (modeling is not C4D's strength) and Bender's Cycles renderer is better than C4D's built in renderer by miles. Blender is actually a really really nice program in a lot of areas, and using other software packages only offers marginal gains in specific areas. Maya might be slightly better for modeling, rigging, and animation, but it doesn't do texturing, rendering, and compositing as well as Blender. C4D is better for motion graphics and on par for animation but worse for modeling and rendering. Etc, etc for other programs. Putting together several into a pipeline may produce better results faster or easier than Blender, which, along with the fact that studios are deep into custom plugins and software add ons for specific "pro" applications, is the main reason that Blender isn't an industry standard.
Anyway, murishani047, you should definitely check out the Quixel suite for texturing, it's super affordable, integrates right into Photoshop, and can export straight back out to Blender Cycles. Very intuitive and powerful for doing normals and texturing. The Substance suite is also really nice, but has a higher learning curve.
Glad to see another Blender supporter here. I find it amazing the quality and features it has for an open source program. I'll have to check out Quixel, I haven't heard of it. I do have to admit though, my Photoshop skills are lacking, but I am pretty good with Illustrator. I used Paint.NET for years so coming from that to Photoshop is a bit wobbly.
Anyway, I just have to say I'm surprised at the discussion this thread as caused, in a very good way. I did not expect anyone to think my work was that good or even care for that matter lol. Thanks for the support and I hope to get back into this project very soon!