*swipes everything off of desk onto floor*. You know, we should post a picture of our desktop, and not just a screengrab of the computer screen.
here's my other desk... hell yes, that is a gorilla rack! On the left, a ps3 running gentoo, on the right an octane running irix 6.5, and my old laptop that I use for lan parties and stuff like that.
Oh, Okay, if you insist, here's my desktop...
I also got a bare bones O2 (Just the case basically) that I turned it into an xbox. The power button turns it on/off, and the volume buttons open/close the tray.
Funny thing is, it ended up sounding just like an O2 instead of the xbox that is inside it
I use it exclusively for Steel Battalion. A badass controller needs a badass system case I always say!
I'm assuming you eat meat stig? Is the thought of eating a nice fat steak disgusting?
circle of life man.... rats eat crap, snakes eat rats, something eats snakes, we eat whatever ate the snake, and then monkeys take over the world.
Man the Turrets! Load up the Supplies! Don't slouch around soldier! This is war!
Does this seem a bit Halo to you?
My desktop is the good ol' Windows XP Field and Hill desktop. Makes me think of how much Windows XP is a Comfy Chair instead of A Metal Spikey Metal Chair Windows Vista is. Does this remind anyone of Ctrl+Alt+Del?