What games you guys currently playing?


New Member
Hey everyone! Sheesh where has 2024 gone so far?

I've been doing some reflecting and have come to the conclusion that I have consistently been playing the same two to three games for the last forever.
Every year I have that New Years Resolution where I shamelessly lie to myself and say "Im going to play a bunch of new things, try new games out!"
Then immediately boot up Destiny or Metal Gear :notworthy:

Just curious what everyone here is playing? Maybe get some insight of what the 405th finds enjoyable and maybe give them a try myself!
So what games are you guys currently playing? What do you find enjoyable about them? What would you recommend to someone who needs to break out of that same game routine shell!
I find Hollow Knight quite fun, the platforming and combat is really good with some fun challenges like the infamous Path of Paw and it's numerous saws, and the story is something to behold.
I've been playing a mix of BO6, Helldivers, and Space engineers. BO6 feels amazing movement wise and I recommend trying it if you have gamepass. Helldivers is in the best gameplay state its been in a while. Feels amazing to play with my buddies, with enough challenge to not bore us. Space Engineers whenever I'm feeling creative. New update just added endgame events so I've been playing in my solo modded world.
I find Hollow Knight quite fun, the platforming and combat is really good with some fun challenges like the infamous Path of Paw and it's numerous saws, and the story is something to behold.
I haven't tired Hollow Knight, but I do hear that it is fun and difficult all at the same time! I know they have it available in PC Game Pass so I will be sure to add this one to my list. Thanks for the suggestion!

I've been playing a mix of BO6, Helldivers, and Space engineers. BO6 feels amazing movement wise and I recommend trying it if you have gamepass. Helldivers is in the best gameplay state its been in a while. Feels amazing to play with my buddies, with enough challenge to not bore us. Space Engineers whenever I'm feeling creative. New update just added endgame events so I've been playing in my solo modded world.
BO6 Zombies has been an absolutely blast! And you're right the movement has been solid, I was unsure how to feel about the omnimovement function when first reading about it, but having used it I see that it was the right choice. However, I have been getting clapped by some people who understand movement more than me LOL

Helldivers I heard has come a long way, I played before the buffed damage patches.
I've been playing a mix of BO6, Helldivers, and Space engineers. BO6 feels amazing movement wise and I recommend trying it if you have gamepass. Helldivers is in the best gameplay state its been in a while. Feels amazing to play with my buddies, with enough challenge to not bore us. Space Engineers whenever I'm feeling creative. New update just added endgame events so I've been playing in my solo modded world.
I tried Space Engineers but couldn't seem to figure out the controls...maybe another day of trying but at that time i didn't want the headache XD

Hey everyone! Sheesh where has 2024 gone so far?

I've been doing some reflecting and have come to the conclusion that I have consistently been playing the same two to three games for the last forever.
Every year I have that New Years Resolution where I shamelessly lie to myself and say "Im going to play a bunch of new things, try new games out!"
Then immediately boot up Destiny or Metal Gear :notworthy:

Just curious what everyone here is playing? Maybe get some insight of what the 405th finds enjoyable and maybe give them a try myself!
So what games are you guys currently playing? What do you find enjoyable about them? What would you recommend to someone who needs to break out of that same game routine shell!
I got into the game preview of Lightyear Frontier and thats been a blast. I then hopped over to No Mans Sky and ive been hitting that pretty hard lately. Other than that i don't play a ton of games anymore either, even though i want to. Other games i have played off and on this year are 7 Days to Die, Black Desert Online, and some Halo.
I haven't been playing much lately. Last games I played were:
  • Halo 4 (with my sibling),
  • 30XX,
  • Phasmophobia (with friends),
  • River City Girls 2 (loved this game, it has an amazing OST).
  • Atomic Heart (I kinda back burnered this one as I had a lot on the go.)
Though now that I have a bit more time (not con crunching to get my armour done) I'll probably finish off Halo 4 and then maybe Atomic Heart.
Lately it's been a rotation between Star Wars Bounty Hunter remaster, Quake II remaster, Halo Infinite, and BO6 (this one is just for trolling online with friends).
I haven't been playing much lately. Last games I played were:
  • Halo 4 (with my sibling),
  • 30XX,
  • Phasmophobia (with friends),
  • River City Girls 2 (loved this game, it has an amazing OST).
  • Atomic Heart (I kinda back burnered this one as I had a lot on the go.)
Though now that I have a bit more time (not con crunching to get my armour done) I'll probably finish off Halo 4 and then maybe Atomic Heart.
River City is that side scrolling beat-em-up yeah? I think I watched a buddy play that and it looked really fun.
Atomic Heart is really fun, I was really off and on about it and haven't fully finished it. I should probably do the same haha.

I play no man sky, dark wood, old classics of f1-3, phasomphia and space marine 2
No Man Sky has come such a long way. I haven't heard of Dark Wood what's that?

Lately it's been a rotation between Star Wars Bounty Hunter remaster, Quake II remaster, Halo Infinite, and BO6 (this one is just for trolling online with friends).
I had no idea they even remastered Star Wars Bounty Hunter, I gotta get out from under this rock lol
Halo Infinite is always a solid choice. Ive spent 99% of my time just playing the campaign. Haven't really given multiplayer a solid chance yet.

Unturned, Fate (by Wildtangent), and Forza horizon 4. But planning to give Horizon 5 a try soon.
Haven't added racing games to my list yet. Horizon 5 it is. Big ups buddy!
River City is that side scrolling beat-em-up yeah? I think I watched a buddy play that and it looked really fun.
Atomic Heart is really fun, I was really off and on about it and haven't fully finished it. I should probably do the same haha.

No Man Sky has come such a long way. I haven't heard of Dark Wood what's that?

I had no idea they even remastered Star Wars Bounty Hunter, I gotta get out from under this rock lol
Halo Infinite is always a solid choice. Ive spent 99% of my time just playing the campaign. Haven't really given multiplayer a solid chance yet.

Haven't added racing games to my list yet. Horizon 5 it is. Big ups buddy!
Think of the metro games and dark woods like that.
River City is that side scrolling beat-em-up yeah? I think I watched a buddy play that and it looked really fun.
Atomic Heart is really fun, I was really off and on about it and haven't fully finished it. I should probably do the same haha.

Yeah, River City Girls 2 is a modern side scrolling beat'em up by Wayforward (makers of the Shantae games). Uses higher quality sprites, no chip tune (really good audio with vocal tracks too. The track "Get off my lawn" is great. Same for Marian's theme. ) Definitely a great co-op game too. I played it solo but would have really enjoyed it in co-op.
I play that game where I go to work too much and rarely boot up the Xbox, especially since it's dying on me. :(

The graphics are amazing but the gameplay is terrible.

I also try to play DCS whenever I can.
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