Where do all the Pacific Regiment Spartans Live?

Hi everyone,

While I'm not a full member yet, I live in Spokane, WA and I'm hoping to have my suit in a presentable condition come Washington State Summer con.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a full suit but definitely presentable
I live in San Diego, CA so the easiest con for me is SDCC. If I had more vacation time to spare, I'd definitely go to the other cons on the west coast. Hope to see some of you guys in July.
I live in San Diego, CA so the easiest con for me is SDCC. If I had more vacation time to spare, I'd definitely go to the other cons on the west coast. Hope to see some of you guys in July.
Welcome SirGrizzly, I'm up in Menifee by Temecula. I will try to keep you posted on other CA events. While SDCC is right down the road from me, getting tickets is challenging. There's a gameAcon in Palm Springs June 21-23, but I am already booked for vacation out of town that weekend.
We are in the process of standing up Sierra Battalion (a California unit of the 405th). I will be gathering up Con information for California events and working on getting booth space for us at different cons in CA. I think our big con for Sierra will be WonderCon as you can still get tickets for it and we can get a booth for recruiting and act as a rally point.
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