Where do all the Pacific Regiment Spartans Live?

I live in Astoria Oregon. 2 hours from Portland Oregon. I have been a Halo fan for many years. I'm in the process of making my suit and looking for a convention. I am also into airsoft and play with friends on Oregon's northwest coast. HMU
Nice to have you Wilber. As a side note, airsoft discussions are banned in the 405th, it's a safety thing. Our next 405th event is the Portland Pride this weekend, where we'll have a booth. If you're able to show up we'd love to see you. Otherwise, our next events are Rose City Comic Con and Halo Championship Series.
Nice to have you Wilber. As a side note, airsoft discussions are banned in the 405th, it's a safety thing. Our next 405th event is the Portland Pride this weekend, where we'll have a booth. If you're able to show up we'd love to see you. Otherwise, our next events are Rose City Comic Con and Halo Championship Series.
No airsoft talk, understandable. I'll be at the booth Saturday afternoon! Good to know about the future events.
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