Where to get Master Chief Helmet?


New Member
Hello Guys.
Im building my first Armor (Mjolnir Mark 6 Gen 2 from Halo 4) .
I build everything from EVA FOAM but I would like to get the helmet and not build it on my own.
Does anyone know where to get a good helmet?
Would be great if it was not like 500$ or something like that ^^

Thanks :)
Happy to print that for ya.
thanks for the link. But i live in germany. So the shipping is very expensive right ?
thanks for the link. But i live in germany. So the shipping is very expensive right ?
Not horribly. I ship to the US, UK and Germany pretty regularly and none of them seem to stand out as "wow that's so much more than to blahblah".

I mean, if you can find someone in your same town to do a local pickup then awesome. But once you stick a box on a plane its nearly all the same these days. There tends to be a minimum the postal services charge so it barely matters if its dog tags or a heavy power drill. Usually its ranges <2kg is all the same, <5kg, <10kg so long as the size of a box doesn't get really weird, like a snowboard.

Germany has been popular with my shop lately. Is everyone gearing up for the convention season or something?
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