Wiring up my suit. What should I consider?


Member DIN
I am looking forward to making Spartan armour but I also want to wiring it up with LED, fans for cooling and maybe a mic system to talk through the helmet and may a walkie system to talk with others. Kinda like motorcycle helmets have.

@JTF4 thank you for wanting to help!
Cheers to starting your build thread. Theres been lots of progress in the build thread to adding things like hearing amplifiers in helmets and different speaker systems that people have playing around with. If I remember correctly JTF4 has some experience with the different things we've tried in the last year or so.

The hearing system a lot of us have started using is written up here by CrimsonViper97 :

It's a great system and can help improve your time at any convention while in armor.

As for microphone, as far as I'm aware most people use a voice amplifier bough off of amazon or the like. I've found the biggest problem lies in the bluetooth ones get a lot of feedback so using a wired mic is neccessary. I'm currently looking into a personal fix for this myself.

As far as adding LEDs into the armor it's just going to come down to finding a file set that has the light spots already built into thier files or finding a set you like and modifying them. Luckily most of the great folks who make armor files took the lights into account already.

Any help we can offer for your build let us know.
That helmet headphone tutorial is a fantastic guide!'

For mic systems, I like to use the wireless battery power speaker and mic combos on amazon.

For fans, you can either buy a kit, or you can do a custom build.

I actually built a USB-C powered bus in my helmet that runs my headphones, microphone, and fans. It's been working fantastically. If you want some pictures and more info I'd be happy to post some!
I too used that guide to make a hearing system! It definitely helps with hearing, but it’s not perfect. If people talk quieter than the surrounding noise it can still be hard to hear. So it’s not the best for talking to shy people at conventions haha. For the most part though, it really makes it easier to hear!

I’ve used a wired voice amplifier from Amazon for a bit and it does a nice job! I will be making some modifications soon though. First, although I can hide the wire in the undersuit, it’s still a pain to have to constantly connect and disconnect the wire every time I want to take the helmet on and off. I bought a wireless one recently to fix that and I will be installing it soon. Second, I placed the voice amplifier speaker in the torso armour piece close to the top so I could adjust the volume as needed. Unfortunately, this can cause feedback if my it’s turned up even slightly above being “barely audible”. I will be moving this farther away from my mic to not cause feedback. I’ll still be able to control the volume though, because the wireless mic has volume control in the mic itself!

I do not have any fans in the helmet. The only time I wish I have them is when I’m outside in the cold and the visor fogs up. At regular conventions, being fan-less hasn’t been the biggest of issues.

I plan to add lights at some point but I don’t have a definitive plan as of yet so I can’t offer any advice on that.
Cheers to starting your build thread. Theres been lots of progress in the build thread to adding things like hearing amplifiers in helmets and different speaker systems that people have playing around with. If I remember correctly JTF4 has some experience with the different things we've tried in the last year or so.

The hearing system a lot of us have started using is written up here by CrimsonViper97 :

It's a great system and can help improve your time at any convention while in armor.

As for microphone, as far as I'm aware most people use a voice amplifier bough off of amazon or the like. I've found the biggest problem lies in the bluetooth ones get a lot of feedback so using a wired mic is neccessary. I'm currently looking into a personal fix for this myself.

As far as adding LEDs into the armor it's just going to come down to finding a file set that has the light spots already built into thier files or finding a set you like and modifying them. Luckily most of the great folks who make armor files took the lights into account already.

Any help we can offer for your build let us know.
This is fantastic thank you!
That helmet headphone tutorial is a fantastic guide!'

For mic systems, I like to use the wireless battery power speaker and mic combos on amazon.

For fans, you can either buy a kit, or you can do a custom build.

I actually built a USB-C powered bus in my helmet that runs my headphones, microphone, and fans. It's been working fantastically. If you want some pictures and more info I'd be happy to post some!
That would be very helpful if you would be so kind to share them! Do you use anything in your suit itself for LEDs or fans?
That would be very helpful if you would be so kind to share them! Do you use anything in your suit itself for LEDs or fans?
I’m not currently running LEDs in my suit, but I’ll post some pictures of what I’m working on! I’ve got an addressable led system for my suit that will allow me to have rgb and color chases.

Everything is currently in my shop at home, so it’ll probably not be until Monday that I can get stuff up for it.
I have fans in my helmet and it helps a lot in terms of defogging my visor. I don't have one pointed at me but that will be changing. The wired mic worked for me but as others have said, the wire is annoying everytime I take the helmet on/off, so a Bluetooth has been purchased. I followed RandomRanger guide to wiring my suit lights, really easy to do. For my new build I'm thinking about utilizing magnets to compete the circuit for the torso, but I'm still searching for threads on it.
I have three small fans in my helmet, one on each side and another on the top all pointing towards the front/visor. They help with circulation as well as defogging. I've used these with a USB splitter and a rechargeable battery pack

I have not had issues with speaking in the helmet but am looking at some amplification too, however the idea of using some kind of hearing amplifier is something I'm looking at too
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