Would anyone be willing to help me build my first master chief suit?

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You may find better luck sourcing a commissioned suit by creating a Want to Buy thread in the Marketplace. Don't forget to include the version of armour you're looking for, desired materials, rough budget available and a general region you're located.
You will find plenty of folks here on the Forums who are willing to offer their advice and guidance on a build, that's the primary reason we exist, to help facilitate people's dreams of building a Halo Universe costume. We have a multitude of tutorials, literally hundreds of Work In Progress and Build documentation threads to read and learn from, in addition to our curated collections of free Pepakura and Foam templates and free 3D printing STLs.

Now, if you mean someone to come out and help you in person, well, the first thing we would need to know is, where are you? The 405th is an International Groups with members and Regiments all around the world. So, we don't know if we can help you in person if we don't know where you are.

The second thing is, well, we don't know you. Not many people will go out to a complete stranger's house, or invite a compete stranger into their home, even among a group like ours dedicated to helping others build their costume. Folks will be more willing to assist, especially in person, once they know you.

Who are you? What Costume do you want to build? What material do you want to make it out of?

Strick around, introduce yourself, establish a connection with the community and you will more than likely find folks who can and will help, but, until they know who you are, they will be understandably hesitant to assist in person.
RandomRanger is that you in masterchiefz profile photo??
But to the thread I would highly suggest getting involved in the community and look into making your own suit! Simply being a custom suit is gonna run you probably $3k minimum for a completed spartan unless you get a seanbradley odst kit.
But if youre looking for assistance this is the place! feel free to ask for advice/help/where to start, or join the discord and get replies from active users there.
Like cadet said though making connections with others and such will give you a better chance for in person help. some midwest members even do craft days.
Welcome to the 405th!

We have a lot of tutorials and guides here on our forums, and there are also YouTube channels that make video tutorials for foam based costumes (myself included).

There are also a number of foam smithing YouTube channels that are not specific to Halo such as sks props, punished props, and Kamui cosplay
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There's been a lot of tips posted already, but as someone that dove headfirst into Halo cosplay I'd highly recommend doing a weapon or a helmet or something similar instead of a full suit outright. I dipped my toes into foamsmithing with a Fallout NCR ranger helmet and switched to 3D printing afterward, but it gave me a good base to work with. Pick a single thing to work towards first, then go to the whole suit later. I'm in the middle of an ODST build and it's not even the most extensive suit you can make and it's still a TON of work. Work out the kinks on something you're willing to watch fail first and improve on it, it'll save you a lot of headache.
Great advice from all the folks above! Making your own suit is soo much fun and totally worth it if you ask me! (That is, if you have the time to make one) It may seem daunting at first, but if you take it one step at a time it's actually very doable! Like BinaryHe1ix , I started with a few props before attempting a whole suit, just to make sure it was possible for me. Once I was confident in that, I began the whole suit. Good luck friend! We're always here to answer any questions you may have!
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