Foam Yoroi core foam files


New Member
Halo Infinite Yoroi armor
I recently started making these files 2 days ago and the truth is that I still have work to do, but I would like to make these, let's say small updates of the progress of unfold to receive feedback on whether the templates are easy or difficult to put together

So, if now my posts instead of being with all the finished files will now be progressively updated as I finish each of the pieces.

And yes, if there are already files to start this with, I will leave the files for you to review and give me help and opinions :D

UPDATE 29/jul: I finally finished all the files and left them all below



  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Armfor-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1.1 MB · Views: 50
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Armup-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1 MB · Views: 44
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Boot-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    891 KB · Views: 38
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Butt armor-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    13.4 MB · Views: 36
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Cod armor-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    6.3 MB · Views: 53
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Glove-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1.8 MB · Views: 44
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Helmet Kabuto-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    5.6 MB · Views: 50
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Kneepad Dragonbark-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    971.6 KB · Views: 45
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Lower chest-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    12.3 MB · Views: 44
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Shin-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1.2 MB · Views: 40
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Shoulder Dragonbark-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    818.7 KB · Views: 42
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Tigh armor-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1.2 MB · Views: 41
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Truster-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    6.9 MB · Views: 42
  • Halo-Infinite-Yoroi-Upper chest-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    14 MB · Views: 44
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