( You know you're a 405th member when...)

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now that you bring it up, I think I was mark typing away at a keyboard in the corner the other day... which means which means. "pop" (he stole the dragon ball) haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

foxleader man after all these years you still crack me up and i still dont know why or what you mean.
guys this place is looking like a Facebook carbon copy they change things so often by the time you've learn the lay of the land they flip the site up side down. as for the other part of my statement I nappa would be a better person to answer it "oh nappa"

(load crashing sound from roof)

"hey fox how your planet doing?"

not bad because you blew it up

"really I though you loved it there?"

nope in the words of church things couldn't be any better things can't be any worse.

"you got a point there, so why'd you call?"

the 405th needs you to clear up this post.

"lets see." (looks at screen) "oh this whole thing, lets see where was that you tube link."

"now that that's cleared up anything you need me for mr. fox."

we'll see nappa well see.
HEY, CAN WE GET A TRANSLATOR OVER HERE?! it would make more sense if you would at least read over what you wrote and see if it makes any sense at all! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!!!!!! woooossaa, Trevor, woooossssaa...nothing to get irritated about....woosaaa..............

alright, on topic once more.

...when you don't eat all day because you're busy foamsmithing...not really funny, but it's true.
When you run off to a port-a-potty at work at a well site and you go to the 405th. Dont judge me
When you willingly to go a bad section of Atlanta, to go to Wal-Mart because the guys need paint to fix their armor before DrangonCon...in which said Wal-Mart is not allowed to carry spray paint so you have to go to a hardware store, still in a bad section of Atlanta... :)

When you carry around hot glue guns, tape, extra paint, etc during cons because you 'know' someone will end up breaking something on their armor...

You constantly have your camera ready for those awesome armor shots!!

You get used to your house smelling like pain/rondo/resin/bondo constantly... :p

let me put this in a way everyone here well be able to understand and won't get lost.

facebook lay out (copy template)

insert name of site/405th <insert template from facebook> upload site to the 405th sever.

there I think I just told you the whole deal with out bringing napa in the fold

"did you say something"


"I'm pretty sure you said my name man."

well yeah I was telling them I didn't need you for this bit

"oh, okay well I'm off the screw around with the anime fans again with that whole cell vs. one punch man bit."

hum okay have fun with that. (guys help me he won't stop raiding my fridge.)
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