( You know you're a 405th member when...)

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Suddenly...I understand! I've been let into a whole 'nother universe! The alternate foxleader universe is........

for one you wouldn't last very long in there and I'm surprised you've survived this long. second and I need you to focus on this one... where did you put the spare rounds for the rail gun, because Napa wants to play grunt hunt again and well after the last game lets just say there's a new word for paint ball now.
*Ghasp* that makes so much sense! It's weird that he talks to himself, though. and foxleader, I keep the railgun rounds in the closet next to my underpants drawer. be careful, though; there's been a loose battle toad in there for weeks...he likes to hide in the railgun safe.
*Ghasp* that makes so much sense! It's weird that he talks to himself, though. and foxleader, I keep the railgun rounds in the closet next to my underpants drawer. be careful, though; there's been a loose battle toad in there for weeks...he likes to hide in the railgun safe.

lol battle toad napa would just let a turtle loose in there and well it might be dipping red so you'll have to find a why to get the blood out of them, as for the rounds thanks. now just to tell mr. caboose where all ready for a game of grunt ball.
... when on your taxes you have 4k in mis because of all the stuff your brought over the year and your now need a budget.

"hey fox look what I found on the web today..."


nice dragon, nice artist, guys I think I need a bigger gun.
...when you lose your internet, and instead of cleaning the house you start building.

...this may or may not have been me yesterday.
...when you lose your internet, and instead of cleaning the house you start building.

...this may or may not have been me yesterday.

fun thing is I found a few guns I started on last year and was like, "so that's where they went."
You know your a 405th member when you spend hrs. editing a screenshot just to know if a fold goes under or over...
You Know your a 405th Member when you spend several hours fighting with CAD programs so that you can make an armor piece that has your phone embedded in it.
You know your a 405th Member when you want a drone that can follow you but can also be 90% enclosed so you can make it look like an installation monitor.
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