I didn't really count but my guess was 12. I'd suggest having 20 to be safe xD
I did overload some peices with glue though... The back peice has THICK peices everywhere
Looks great! I definitely see the Bluerealm influence in the jaw. The only thing I would try to modify so far is to taper the bill a little where it curves to the sides of the helmet.
I want to cast this thing, but its cardboard, and then the plastic will have bumps and stuff
I've been working on this for 2 days so yeah, wouldn't be able to make it for people
I'm saving this baby for halloween
Okay the model of the helmet is about 95% complete. I just got the sizing of the top of the helmet wrong so I'm going to have to tear it apart a little bit of the top to fix it. D:
Okay the model of the helmet is about 95% complete. I just got the sizing of the top of the helmet wrong so I'm going to have to tear it apart a little bit of the top to fix it. D:
I also have to start me up one of those... I just hope it doesn't turn out like most of the cardboard weapons I see here... I mean no offence though. I just don't know how to say that without sounding rude.