2nd Company Ultramarine WIP

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This already looks mean with just three pieces together. Great job on the shoulder. I really like all the small details around the edges. As for the strapping goes, you can glue them in place with the gorilla glue, then as LS said come back later with a layer or two of resin over the top to kinda lock the whole thing in place. It won't go anywhere after that. Just make sure the surface you are gluing to is clean of dirt or dust, other wise you won't get as strong of a bond between the two surfaces. Good luck with the rest of your build my friend!:D
Thank for the info man!

And btw I got the straps attached and cured last night.


And to show a little range of motion

it is currently only one strap holding it on, I plan on reinforcing it with FG and resin to make sure it doesn't go anywhere. Also I news to definitely add padding inside the chest. I only wore it for about 5 mins(however I did not want to take it off) it wore/rubbed my shoulder raw. But that's easy enough to fix. Let me know what you think!
The shoulder looks great, I love the little skulls running along the edges. Are you planning to paint the inside of the shoulder? The orange really stands out when you see the pieces from below. Easy enough to cover with a coat of cheap black spraypaint. Or a layer of thin craft foam (makes the pieces less painfull when they rub on you.

Also, if Longshot is posting in your thread you know that you are doing it right!

The suit is coming together nicely! I love how well the pieces fit together!
Oh yeah I am definitely going to put craft foam on the inside of the rim of the shoulder. Its gouging the paint on the chest. Just some modifications I plan to make in the near future though. I just got real excited and wanted to post some update pics. And yeah you are right, Longshot is one pf the costuming gods! Its one pf my monitor goals to meet his approval. Lol
So I got some work done today





as you can see I made the glove and arm one solid piece, which will accomplish two things. 1)it will be easier to put on once the chest and shoulders are on. And 2)it will help keep the forearm from twisting and moving around on me.

And this is just a shot of what I did as far as padding inside

And this is what I have on the work table right now, as said before I found that pack of glass I didnt know I had, so I started working on the boots and am trying to finish op the shin I have already started working on and attaching the knee to it.

I know its not progress that we really wanted to see all that bad, but its all I can really do until I can get more glue and the other materials.

Its my first crack at making purity seals, and I dont think they turned out too shabby myself. But let me know what you guys think.


and yeah I meant to cut the tooth grooves into the skull but I forgot before I put them into the oven, I will make it better the next time around.
nice seals :D one trick i always used to do with red was a brown ink (if you got any of the gw ones they work fine) and thin it a little and wash the red, it gived it a deeper glossy cover, depends how deep you want the recesses to be
ok guys, I didnt get anywhere near as much progress done this weekend as I had hoped. My sister was in a car accident and I had to go pick her up from the side of the road and take her home. But I did manage to get some stuff done this weekend.

got the chapter badge shoulder finished, so the unveiling is here.


Plus this back pack is a beast to sand. there are so many narrow areas that my sander cant get to. But I will get it done evenutally.

And the kidney belt has been painted I am just waiting to get some hot glue so I can start putting the heraldry on this and that other shoulder .

And I got to work with my dad this weekend on my bolt pistol.
Stack of wood that will be the body of the pistol

after the stack had been glued and clamped to dry




and what will be the handle of the gun

and I am exhausted for the day, those glued pieces are sitting and drying I should be able to get it finished when I get off for my half day on Tuesday.
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