Yes, thanks!
That definately helps others here, as although I have these 2-D schematics available, I'm afraid I don't have any 3-D renders of these to put in Pepakura.
So, I'm glad to see someone else was able to find something further in that respect to help out with this.
adreniline said:
Hows it coming so far though SPII?
Well, I've begun scanning in some of the weapons, and hope to have the rest of the schematics (M6D Pistol is all that's left) re-drafted and ready for scanning shortly.
Now, I don't know if anyone has realized this, but at the moment all I have available are the
side profile schematics, no front/rear or top/bottom ones.
As such, whoever uses my schematics will have the overall length and height but will have to figure out the varying thickness of the different components that make up each prop.
Just an FYI on that, so everyone's aware. I guess I could draft the other profile views as well, but what with my tight schedule being what it is, I honestly don't know how long that would take.
Unfortunately, I don't have nearly as much free time as I used to for anything prop-related *sigh*. Hell, I'm still trying to get through all of these other ones so I can finally begin work on the SMG schematics as requested by a member here.
Anyway, there's an update on that for you, folks...
Spartan-118 said:
After you have all the designs and plans you should make a new thread tutorial on the designs that way your not flocked by pm's and they did with pepakura.<I want the ar design lol >
I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean. Post a new thread describing how I drafted the schematics (ie. what reference material was used, how I scaled each piece, etc.)? Or a new thread tutorial describing what
my own steps would be to scratch-building one of these?