anyone have a foam guide for master cheif?


New Member
Hiii im new to all this and have been really wanting to get a spartan suit that I could paint over to make tucker from rvb but i kinda figured out the hard way that im broke lol.
Ive been looking for like formats for a foam guide that i could diy, but i cant find anything really detailed. Can anyone help?

something kinda like this??

also sorry if im talking weird english isnt my first language :c
Hi IcantgameXC, welcome to the 405th!

There's a few resources to help you get started. The first is the Foam Guide, a well written thread about how to work with foam, where to get it, how much you'll need, etc.

Then there's the Armory, where all of our foam patterns are kept.

And finally, the Tutorial Index, where guides on lots of different crafting aspects are linked to.

Don't forget to also have a peruse of other people's build threads, as you'll likely learn a few things there too!
Hi IcantgameXC ! Welcome to the forums.

The first thing you want to do when making armour is to know which character/suit you want to create. You've chosen Tucker from RvB, which is a great choice! Tucker has gone through many variations....

Halo 1:

Halo 2:

Halo 3:

Halo 4:

Halo 5

Halo Reach:

Halo Infinite:

The one seen in the picture that you've posted is the tucker from halo 4/5. If you're newer to crafting, it is possible to create this armour, although I would highly recommend starting with one of his more simplified armours. The halo 4/5 armour is extremely difficult to create as it has a lot more complex geometry, and has large areas of exposed tech suit and other parts that need to be flexible. These are big challenges for even experienced cosplayers. Beginning with the halo2/3 set may set you up for success more. Of course this is just the opinion of one person, so don't let me stop you if you have your heart set on the halo 4/5 set!

Once you decide which specific set of armour you would like to create, it's time to do that research! Have a look through those resources that PlanetAlexander linked above. The Foam Guide, Tutorial Index, and Armoury are all invaluable resources to cosplay crafting. If you're looking for a more general guide, I have a video on YouTube that walks folks through my process for making armour out of foam. Here's that video:

It's also worth checking out the builds of other folks who have made similar armour with similar methods! Here's just a few links to some other build threads that would be useful for the different versions of Tucker:
N8TEBB's Halo 3 Mk 6 Build
Jocko03's Halo 5 Mk 4 Build
KitKatGoose's Halo Reach Mk 5 Build

There are many many more builds out there of course! Those links are just the tip of the ice berg. You can search for builds directly on the 405th, or using google. I hope this info is helpful to you! Of course keep asking questions if you have any. We're always happy to answer.
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