Does anyone have files for the Halo Reach Sniper shoulders? Cant seem to find them anywhere


New Member
currently working on a massive halo reach noble 6/ my spartan from playing reach back in the day build. wanted to make an identical one with the sniper shoulders, chest and tac thigh armor pouch thing. overall have been working for some time, made the helmet but the helmet hole is too small, made the knife it looks great, almost done with the data storage unit and then making the boots for now until im able to figure out what is wrong with my tronxy veho 600 (layer shifting issue). all armor is being 3d printed and im buying rubber filament for the under-suit file i have. But overall if anyone can find the sniper shoulders that would be a life savior! Thanks again!
You can find our free 3D print files here:

Moe has the Sniper shoulders available in his Jun file pack, found here:

You can find our free 3D print files here:

Moe has the Sniper shoulders available in his Jun file pack, found here:

my only other question would be how do i get to the stl. or obj. file for the shoulder? cant seem to figure that out if there are any
my only other question would be how do i get to the stl. or obj. file for the shoulder? cant seem to figure that out if there are any
If you go to Moe's thread, which I linked, he provides the location of the files on Thingiverse as the very first thing in the thread. Click on that and it takes you to all his Scout Files.

if you are still having trouble, I have provided that link below.

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