Appleseed Costume

Do you think it can be held ?

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it seems like this would be best done out of flexible rubber for most of the parts, using the pbo's as a base for a mold, it looks great so far though
Versinke said:
I don't think it will be hard to move with that armor because armor pieces are just wearing on forearms , head , legs and torso . The torso could be made in a foam but the rest will be easy to wear , the more difficult thing to do will be the Undersuit , because i'll need to make a lot of sewing . I think the hardly think of the armor will be the design on the 3d Software .

I agree, Most of the parts should be foam padding and the core armored parts are the shoulders, forearms, hands, helm, and the chest. If you take a foam muscle suit and instead of using skin toned fabrics one could use vinyl or latex to cover the foam.
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sorry for taking so long.. been busy but here are those shots if you need any other specific ones gimmie a holler


thier in the directory Pics-Briareos


and w/ so much costume discussion,.. here are some shots of things I had made for a Briareos I hadnt finished



I had scratch built all that,.. well w/ the exception of the muscle suit,.. hope it helps for something
It's pretty awesome , the muscle suit is very usefull ,as i'm skinny like a squeleton XD You're scratchbuild is pretty cool too , but legs are strage according to me :)
Maybe ^^ By the way i'm waiting for you're work to make it because i can't even do my own du to a comuter problem ( F****** computer :angry )
I've fix my computer problems , and finally i can use blender correctly but i don't know how to modelize something , i got an image but i'm a really noob with it ^^ Can someone help me please ? je need a little thing :) Need you to explain step by step please :)

Here is the image :)
Need the Forearms , that the easiest thing i've found to learn modelize :)
actually the legs are a bit more simple then the arms...,.. the gauntlets have more curves and bits,.. the legs are basically a couple angled pieces of armor and a kneepad w/ some indentations

and as for Blender cant help you there as I dont use it
What software do you use ? I'll be curious to see the resulte from Blender compared to an other software , maybe the resulte on Pepakura will change ?
I would agree on the scratch building the guants and, knee and leg armour. Even the shoulders I have considered, but not done. The helmet is the killer, with those big ears on top!
Versinke said:
What software do you use ? I'll be curious to see the resulte from Blender compared to an other software , maybe the resulte on Pepakura will change ?

Blender is capable of the same results pretty much as any other 3d program,.. but it of course always depends on the modeler, I use Cinema4D as my main

modeling package
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A friend of mine has done a Briareos cosplay without using Pepakura ^^

With the use of the Pepakura for Briareos, it could work really well if done properly but that is a LOT of seamless rounded surfaces and I can't even imagine the time spent pepping this alone.

Honestly I think its more of a scratch-build costume =(
Versinke said:
Whaow , so you must be a great modeler 'coz it's not easy to use :)

hmmm? I find C4D soo much easier then blender (personally) but its all about what your more comfortable w/
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well the pictures I showed was V1 of my costume I scratch built most of it,.. but the helmet I comissioned was never finished so I scrapped it,.. I have a 2.0 in the works and it'll knock peoples socks off just you wait and see
I'll be waiting for the Briareos advancement , someone ( i don't remenber who ^^ ) made the left arm but no files attached to this , need the second forearm , legs and helmet
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