Armorsmith Bug Help


Hello! Just got Armorsmith and am experiencing an interesting bug.
When I open the program, the Costume section flashes my avatar for a split second and then the screen goes blank. Anyone know how to fix this?

Please don't go spamming the site with the same question in lots of areas.
Especially channels were it doesn't belong.
You might want to join the Armorsmith facebook page. Its targeted help by other users and the entire 'how to reset armorsmith' thing is something I probably post... twice a month in response to this same question you asked here.
Just a suggestion and one I make with all new skills whether its Armorsmith, or printing, or how to fell a tree with a chainsaw...
Find a group, scroll back the discussion thread 6mos or a year and just read. An hour or two of reading will give you 10 man-years of background knowledge, history, a sense of common issues, insights into things you can avoid if you know in advance rather than being the guy asking "I did blahblah and now its broke, how do I fix it?" - Its that whole, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" reasoning.


  • FilestoDeleteToReset.jpg
    87.3 KB · Views: 187
In case anyone is interested, I solved the issue myself.
Deleting the following two files resolved it.
View attachment 355571
I am thrilled you managed to solve the issue; I will make sure to keep this in mind if my Armorsmith ever decides to act up.

Just to clarify; most individuals won't have an issue with you or someone else asking a question that you cannot find an answer to on an accessible pre-existing thread. Armorsmith itself is pretty niche software; troubleshooting is a nightmare, and there aren't a lot of Youtube videos that go over crazy bugs you can encounter. Sometimes the software is just straight-up frustrating. We'll be here to help you troubleshoot and brainstorm on this current existing thread if you can't find a readily available solution in a reasonable manner. Who knows, maybe we'll learn something new from you? I sure did, and I've been using this silly program for YEARS. It never ends! :lol:

Speaking of which, has anyone made a troubleshooting thread for Armorsmtih? I could really use one!

Please update us on what you plan on creating. Cheers!
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Speaking of which, has anyone made a troubleshooting thread for Armorsmtih? I could really use one!
To me: That's the Armorsmith facebook page. It's dedicated to that program and populated by 3.1k targeted users.
Years of background and help is already there. Anything else is just duplication of efforts and information.
•Just one man's thoughts.•
I am thrilled you managed to solve the issue; I will make sure to keep this in mind if my Armorsmith ever decides to act up.

Just to clarify; most individuals won't have an issue with you or someone else asking a question that you cannot find an answer to on an accessible pre-existing thread. Armorsmith itself is pretty niche software; troubleshooting is a nightmare, and there aren't a lot of Youtube videos that go over crazy bugs you can encounter. Sometimes the software is just straight-up frustrating. We'll be here to help you troubleshoot and brainstorm on this current existing thread if you can't find a readily available solution in a reasonable manner. Who knows, maybe we'll learn something new from you? I sure did, and I've been using this silly program for YEARS. It never ends! :lol:

Speaking of which, has anyone made a troubleshooting thread for Armorsmtih? I could really use one!

Please update us on what you plan on creating. Cheers!
I could see a thread for Armorsmtih incredibly useful! If no one else has I may spin one up, I know I personally had my own fair share of issues with the app when I first got it. We've got plenty of knowledge here collectively that I'm sure we could come up with some comprehensive and helpful! Thanks for the suggestion Kae!

To me: That's the Armorsmith facebook page. It's dedicated to that program and populated by 3.1k targeted users.
Years of background and help is already there. Anything else is just duplication of efforts and information.
•Just one man's thoughts.•

Just a request, please don't recommend our members join other groups. In my eyes it's counterproductive to have to go to multiple groups when we have the knowledge available here to help out our community members. I appreciate that you want to make the resources of other groups available, but many of those in the community, myself included, would prefer to just have the information readily available here on the forums rather than having to go elsewhere for the information being sought after.
Just a request, please don't recommend our members join other groups. In my eyes it's counterproductive to have to go to multiple groups when we have the knowledge available here to help out our community members. I appreciate that you want to make the resources of other groups available, but many of those in the community, myself included, would prefer to just have the information readily available here on the forums rather than having to go elsewhere for the information being sought after.
Well... No offense and not looking for a fight... but your preferences shouldn't be a driving force overriding someone else's preferences. Your preferences shouldn't be used to tell others what advice to give, or not give.

If your preference is to not use an existing group with over 3,000 users and literal YEARS of post history on it - then don't. That's cool.
You do you - but let others do as they do, too.
In my opinion telling someone to not recommend that resource is paramount to saying:
Don't tell people about Patreon/Etsy armor file providers because we have our own 405th armory files and we shouldn't send people off the 405th server.
Its the same thing.

Also - Didn't you just point out that there isn't a dedicated 405th thread that is equal to providing that help? You just said that maybe one should be started. Also a cool idea-Yep-Go for it-build it. But don't don't tell someone:
Don't recommend an outside resource even when we don't have one ourselves
That's really just saying "let them flounder with no help rather than provide a good outside resource."
We're not in the business of letting people founder.

So how about this... Let the reader make up their own mind rather than censor the advice given? You make your recommendations and other people can make theirs, and the reader can be trusted to make their own choices for themselves. That seems the most respectful to the member asking the question-To me anyway.
No offense and not looking for a fight

Yet you begin this by attacking a staff member. I made a request for you to not jump to suggesting a Facebook group immediately and you shoot back with that. No one is censoring you, this isn't a personal attack, it is a request to stop suggesting other groups before our own forums. Lock it down.

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