Yet you begin this by attacking a staff member. I made a request for you to not jump to suggesting a Facebook group immediately and you shoot back with that. No one is censoring you, this isn't a personal attack, it is a request to stop suggesting other groups before our own forums. Lock it down.
Do you need to look up what "censorship" means? Because you can't say on one hand "nobody is censoring you" while at the same time say "you were asked not to give blahblahblah advice". The two statements are in direct conflict.
> Yet you begin this by attacking a staff member.
Where were you attacked? Nobody called you names... insulted you... said your car was ugly...
If you want to discuss the actual particulars of what was said we can do that. But please don't try to recontectualize what I said as a personal attack on you, because nothing to that affect was said or even implied. The only *actual* context to my statements was that I trust the membership to make up their own minds when given lots of different advices and resources. I literally said:
If your preference is to not use an existing group with over 3,000 users and literal YEARS of post history on it - then don't. That's cool.
You do you - but let others do as they do, too.
If you disagree with that then say so. But if you do agree with that, then I don't understand the tone of your reply.
> it is a request to stop suggesting other groups before our own forums.
Yep. A **personal** request from you as an individual. Not official policy. Not something being said based on your position of authority, right? This isn't policy coming down from command, is it? So please - as this is just you and me, member to member - don't try to assert authority with that "lock it down" tone, where no authority should be used in this conversation. This is just two fellas having a conversation and it doesn't need to escalate to a situation of abuse of position.
Its you, one member, asking another member to not give certain advice even when by your own admission THERE IS NO EQUIVLENT ADVICE on this server to give, because - as you said - its your preference. You would never accept that if someone else did it. You know you wouldn't. If someone posted
"please don't give advice on 3d printing because my preference is foam builds" you'd chastise them for that. If someone said
"please don't give advice to use Blender to fix files because my preference is MeshMixer" - again, you wouldn't find that acceptable. But you're doing the same thing when you say
"please don't give advice to use blahblah resources because its my preference not to".
I can't believe I have to defend providing help to someone asking for it.
But since - as you said - it was just a **request**
Just a request, please don't recommend our members join other groups.
- Request heard
- Request considered and pondered
- Request declined. I will continue to provide suggestions to the best resources I am aware of: Prioritising 405th internal links first of course, but also to 3rd party help where it is the best advice possible. This includes pages on Facebook and tutorials on YouTube if those are the best available. To do anything less, I personally feel, would be a disservice to the person looking for help.