AsthMattic's Foam Carter Build! WIP Pic Heavy

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New Member
Alright everybody!!!

I'm starting work on my second suit, a foam Commander Carter. My first suit was also Carter, made from Fiberglass. It was an awesome experience building it but for convention-going it just wont do.... So next up is a lighter, more flexible version of (mostly) the same pieces. I suppose technically my fiberglass suit was never finished because I never had the chest pouches or helmet attachment. I'll include some pictures of the first version and begin using this thread to document my progress.

Build beginning after Comic-Con 2014

The first suit at C4 with my girlfriend Maddy:
C4 with Maddy.jpg

[Space reserved for completed picture!!!]
I'm sure it will be awesome. i wanted to do some foam pieces for my Reach suit, but I just don't have the time or the skill.
Awesome! I'm sure you will be very happy with your foam suits, being able to sit and all (or nap like some :p). Don't hesitate to ask for advice!
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