Aztlan's Halo 4 Rogue + Binary Rifle + M6H + Exo-suit WIP, PIC HEAVY!

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I gotta say, your attention to detail is insurmountable. EVAkura is truly a perfect handle for you but I think you need a -Sama or Guru attached to it. I like seeing no detailed stone unturned in a project and the way you've taken a material like foam and made it form to your will is amazing. I'm still sticking with bondo for my first suit, but you've made this art a goal of mine in the near future. Looking forward to warmer weather to see what you do with that Rogue.

Thanks a lot! I am really happy that this Exo-suit is nearing completion because the temps are warming up finally and today hit 55F! That, my friends, is borderline Rondo weather (to me that is)!!

I finally got to use my material I purchased for the joint and highly moveable areas. It is sort of a spandex material, but WAY heavier. After testing several methods on how best to secure it to the EVA, I came up with ol' trusty hot glue double seaming. It is the only way I could think about doing it, while maintaining my sanity (and even that was a close call!).

Here is the top of the first "rib", and after I hot glued the material to the bottom side.


Here is the bottom side


This is after both ribs were attached


And this picture shows the stretch ability of the material


This one shows the rough placement of where it goes


And after many more hours... here is what I have. Keep in mind, not everything is in it's proper placement... that will happen after the rest of the parts are included


Front profile, and showing the movement.


Now to make the butt piece so that I know how big the ribs that surround it need to be. Then, just two more ribs and one plate behind the leg... and the belt line piece... then it will be completed! I CAN SEE THE END!!!!


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Eva, this is looking so bad ass! Finally, it's starting to warm up and we can speed up productivity. Also, when are you planning on that 2nd Live feed? What'll you be working on during it? Keep up the great work!
Eva, this is looking so bad ass! Finally, it's starting to warm up and we can speed up productivity. Also, when are you planning on that 2nd Live feed? What'll you be working on during it? Keep up the great work!

LOL, you said "bad ass".... and take a guess what I was working on!


Yes, I love the fact that it is warming up finally. Still not sure on when the 2nd live feed will be... and would love ideas what you all want me to focus on. Let me know!


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LOL, you said "bad ass".... and take a guess what I was working on!


Yes, I love the fact that it is warming up finally. Still not sure on when the 2nd live feed will be... and would love ideas what you all want me to focus on. Let me know!

Oh ha-freaking-ha. Really though, that's a nice piece of foam ass hahahaha really though, good work. Looks like an easy piece? I would be interested in seeing a smmall showcase of your weapons and pepped armor.


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in the words of a Spartan II. "does this armor make my ass look big." those of you who have read glassland please lol.
Okay now... getting back on track :) Last update for the day... I promise! I didn't expect to get so much done today. Tomorrow I will be finishing up the lower half of the whole thing, then maybe making the beltline to finish the whole Exo-suit! Wow, so close!!!



The butt piece cut to size and ribs created. (I know it just a tad off scale, but I have a small butt!) Also, the "V" at the crack will tuck under. Man, this is hard to describe without it going past the point this forum allows... I am really trying hard to keep this decent!



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The rogue helmet looks pretty awesome. I think its fantastic people can get files with the decals and have instant temp toys for their kids and families. The reason i got into pepakura and foamboard and stuff is to actually make cool things for my nephew so yeah pre placed decals rock for me. LOL.
I did not see this thread getting so immature with posterior humor. Nonetheless, the build is looking good, are you gonna be making the five holes in the cod piece? I also got a ton of work done today! I'm almost done folding the rest of the grip for my MA5C, then I'll assemble it, maybe make a few spare mags, and move onto nades or resin. What're your plans prior to completion of the Exo-Suit? Resin? Or do you still need to pep pieces?
got to hand it to you or not... about your last two pieces. only thing that I can think to say is nicely done.
Thanks guys for the compliments.

I do plan on adding the holes in the codpiece, as well as all of the other smaller details I have not done yet. I mainly started skipping those details because I wanted to focus on the suit itself. I am also considering what I should do as far as paint. Right now, the plan is to hit the whole thing with black plastidip... but that is not set in stone.

Not a lot of visual progress, but trust me when I say that there is a ton of painstaking finite details that needed to be worked out with this piece to make absolute sure that it functioned correctly (allowed for full range of movement without popping seams!) as well as reference accurate as possible. I believe I nailed both of them.

Where my hands are, there is a joining piece that comes down from the belt line piece I still have to make.


In addition, today I hit all four of my local thrift stores and scored a couple of LEDs for 50 cents, a portable TV bag (old school, but never used) for its quick release buckles, hex webbing, nylon straps, zippers, and a couple of hard plastic bits for $6.50. Lastly, my biggest score... two Extra Capacity black ink cartridges for my printer for $5 (I know the standard capacity ones go for $29 each locally, and an internet search averages out to $40 each for the XL ones... I only use original ink in my printer since it is such a high end one)


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Nice work so far. Seriously though, the rear jokes are getting abit silly. Anyway the suits really coming together. Good job.
Another very productive day. Only three pieces left to make... the finishing part to the backside of both legs and the beltline! As I am sure you have noticed if you have been following this, I am test fitting each piece many times and making sure it allows for full range of motion. Actually, I am rather brutal with the testing. I do this because I would much rather have it fail now and be able to easy fix and reinforce it, than later when I am at a convention and unable to do so.

Here are two parts that go with the backside of the legs


And here is what I have so far (no, the helmet does not go with this suit, it is just a prop :) )


I dub that picture, "MAN DOWN!"

I may go back after all of the parts are done and fine tune the areas where the arms meet the torso. I think they could use one more piece in the back, some curvature in that same place, and also some sort of connecting material to close that gap. Also, I am still working out what to do with the shoulders. I am thinking a nice long Velcro bit attached to some of my woven elastic will do nicely. That way, it will be snug but won't be too tight, and will have a bit of give if I stress it too much so as not to start popping seams.


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eheh...your undersuit is s great that it's a shame to cover it with the armor ;)
That looks so cool.
Are you going to paint it / add the hexagon like pattern?
Saying that though u could easily wear that as your armour too :)
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