Aztlan's Halo 4 Rogue + Binary Rifle + M6H + Exo-suit WIP, PIC HEAVY!

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Wow! It was easy to get pulled into the detail work that you've been taking time to show us, but seeing everything together like that is amazing! You have an enviable sense of vision and being able to translate that into goal; epic work, and quick too!

I think you've shown everyone that they can make exactly what they want, if only they're willing to invest some effort and think big. ;)
Great looking work you have over here! Been keeping an eye on the progress for awhile. Keep it going, you're really picking out every detail!
Thank you all!

As far as painting the Exo-suit, I am still undecided on how I want to proceed with it. My options are: going all black with plasti-dip, or figuring out some way of applying a lighter gray base, then doing the hex pattern in black. The latter poses the problem of finding gray plasti-dip (or burnt orange would be my ultimate preference as the base coat). I have already performed tests with the hex pattern using spray adhesive to hold down the fabric mesh, and it works extremely well. This way, it prevents overspray on the pattern where it would generally lift away from the piece being painted, and is temporary so it lifts right off just after the painting is done... but the only problem is the amount of time and energy it would take. Like I said, undecided still :)

Also, I am at a "thinking point". Basically what this means is that all progress on the Exo-suit has come to a halt until I have solidified a decision on the path I want to take. I have all the pieces completed except the beltline. I just need more time to decide on how I want to proceed with assembling the final parts. I have several options, and the materials to do all of them, but I have to choose one.

So, in the meantime, I will keep my mind busy with another important piece to this massive puzzle. Here is a teaser pic of what exactly that might be... and just a hint: there will be three of them, and they will be interchangeable via a magnet system on the mounting point :)


Now to start this puppy!


  • SAM_1164_zps402ad9ed.jpg
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Stop stealing my ideas, before I can make them! :D Just kidding though, I was wondering when people would start making interchangeable armor abilities for their suits (at least that's what I'm guessing that the drawing is, I could just be an idiot :D). If my guess of armor ability is correct, which three are you going to be making?

I have seen these at my local Ace and that may be the way I go... only part about that which makes me cringe is that I would have to hand paint the first layer on the whole suit... ugh! But, that may be the way I have to go to get exactly what I want. I will admit though, if I do go that route, the first layer and the whole suit being burnt orange will definitely be eye catching!!!

Thank you for the link btw!

Stop stealing my ideas, before I can make them! :D Just kidding though, I was wondering when people would start making interchangeable armor abilities for their suits (at least that's what I'm guessing that the drawing is, I could just be an idiot :D). If my guess of armor ability is correct, which three are you going to be making?

Yes, these are the armor abilities. I will be making the Covenant, Forerunner, and UNSC versions. Then, eventually... and after I find decent images of them, I will be making two other pieces... but I will tell you about them later! I gotta keep some surprises!
Plasti dip comes in a wide variety of colors now. I would say gunmetal grey is the way to go. Or just leave it . It looks great like that.
I have seen these at my local Ace and that may be the way I go... only part about that which makes me cringe is that I would have to hand paint the first layer on the whole suit... ugh! But, that may be the way I have to go to get exactly what I want. I will admit though, if I do go that route, the first layer and the whole suit being burnt orange will definitely be eye catching!!!

If you wanted to make custom colors with Plasti Dip, but wanted to be able to spray it (if you don't have a cup gun or air brush) then you could probably look into something like this...

Preval 9oz. Complete Spray Gun

They sell these at my local Home Depot right next to the Plasti Dip. There are a lot of DIY versions of the same thing so it might be worth looking into a bit more if you really want to avoid brushing the Plasti Dip on.

Edit: I also thought I'd add this in here has a lot of the Plasti Dip products for sale on their site that don't show up in stores. Also, they sell a special spray nozzle that is suppose to give better coverage with each pass. They do all of this for spraying vehicles, but I think some of the stuff they use could be applied to spraying foam.

Thanks a ton for that info! That may just be the route I go now :)

I had to stop working on the UNSC armor ability due to the fact that I have to dremel on the right side before I can add one more layer and the top piece. Everyone went to sleep, so that takes the dremel out of the equation! Oh well, I guess I can start drawing up the Forerunner armor ability next since that is nice and quiet :)

Here is where I left off with the UNSC one.


Edit: Last post for the night (I think!)

It didn't scale out perfectly, but I am happy with what I have here... So, tomorrow, I will start this one after the UNSC one is complete.



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Impatiently waiting for some Rogue Action!

Be impatient no more :)

Today was the first day that we have had in a LONG time that was warm enough for me to comfortably pull out the Rogue pieces and begin the rondo process.

Here are the parts I was able to get done today (the chest piece will need a bit of touch up at the ends where I have to slush cast them)


A shot of the inside of my brain bucket


The chest piece


The back pieces. Notice that the one on the right the epoxy started bubbling in the red areas where the epoxy did not penetrate the cardstock and toner. I will have to peel that off and re-epoxy it again.


The other three pieces were the center back and two connector pieces for the torso.

Also, the UNSC armor ability piece got its final coat of PVA and taken outside to be plasti-dipped. Now all that is left is to paint it, install a LED in the center, and install the magnets. Most of this will be done this evening I imagine.


And lastly... a teaser for y'all. I have been secretly working on a project for the Rogue set that has not been made before (to my knowledge). The only reason I say this is because I had to spend HOURS searching just to get the three reference pictures that I have, and they are not the best for sure. I will unveil this item once it is completed, but in the meantime, to whet your appetites... here is a picture of what I have so far (strangest thing, my camera would not focus and some sort of solar flare showed up right in the middle!!! :) )


I will neither confirm nor deny any guesses as to what it may be!


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Dang, man, you're positively flying on your work. It's like somebody strapped a jet to you. I mean... good grief, you're already miles above anybody else's skill level with this sort of stuff, the things you've managed to pull off leave me astonished.

You'll be packing that armour in no time, I bet.
Dang, man, you're positively flying on your work. It's like somebody strapped a jet to you. I mean... good grief, you're already miles above anybody else's skill level with this sort of stuff, the things you've managed to pull off leave me astonished.

You'll be packing that armour in no time, I bet.

You hit the nail on the head!!!!...

I am all those things :) LOL

oh wait, where you implying something?
Oooh! Oooh! I have a guess, but I know I won't get confirmed... Yet. Is it that weapon holder that the spartan-IVs have on their backs?
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