Okey dokey,
First, I would like to apologize for the major SNAFU in yesterday's live feed for those of you who joined in. But, I learned a lot, and will be doing it again soon. I will be calling on a few of you who offered help, because not being able to see your chat was infuriating, frustrating, and to be honest, threw me off so bad that I completely lost my train of thought! Next time, I will have cue cards and a list of things to cover... as well as the chat function will be fixed! (I think Zoomer was correct in the fact that it was going through Google Hangout... at least, that is where I was with my chat!)
I hope that anyone that joined in at least learned something though

And also, my theory WORKED! I have nearly completed the "jet packs" (or whatever they are) and did it in just FOUR pieces (two of which are minor detail pieces)! In the pictures, the light gray is the silicon I am using to seal the hairline seams left behind. They came out better than I expected. I was looking to have nice rolling curves like the item was made of stamped metal instead of hard angles.
Also, a little funny for y'all. Next time, I will pre-build the item so that I am familiar with it! I realized afterwards while looking at the file in Pepakura, I had glued some of the parts in reverse angles to what they should have been! MAN, I was freaking out trying to figure out why things were not aligning up correctly... I hope that didn't show too badly during the feed!
Anyways, here are a couple of shots of the parts I was "attempting" to work on!
And the reverse angle
I will keep you all up to date with when the next live feed will be.
EDIT: Ok, so it was not a COMPLETE waste of time to build those parts. At least I found out what I did and I have a decent scale. I did not do my research beforehand by looking at reference pictures and comparing them to the pep file.
This torso piece, to me, is completely unacceptable. I figured I would build it, then make the minor modifications and additions to make it accurate (at least semi-accurate). Unfortunately, within 5 minutes of comparing what I have to reference pictures I finally looked up, I feel I need to start over and do it on my own and freehand. I will keep you all up to date with this new venture. I will set the current ones aside and use them for size reference, then complete them later for someone's Halloween costume or something