Aztlan's Halo 4 Rogue + Binary Rifle + M6H + Exo-suit WIP, PIC HEAVY!

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Thanks!!! I hope the movement stays the same after I complete the connecting beltline. I "think" I have enough elastic for that task :)

With no other pending projects - minus the Rogue set - the Exo-suit has taken the front-and-center stage to be completed. My hope is to have the construction phase done tomorrow evening. Then I will likely move on to the plasti-dip phase so that I can wipe that piece from my to-do list.

Here is the project I completed tonight.

I introduce... the UNSC Armor Ability, Lethbridge Industrial Series 12 Single Operator Lift Apparatus (SOLA) Jetpack


My goal to have the hands-down most complete set is getting closer to becoming a reality :) Still a long road ahead of me though.

Jaw drop. That's amazing! So when you say hands-down most complete set, does that mean all the abilities? Or weapons? Or something else I'm missing?

Anyway, I really wish I had that skill with foam. Rainbow-colored foam magic has been released from the cage! Yay!
So when you say hands-down most complete set, does that mean all the abilities? Or weapons?

What I meant was a set with every possible item. Not option though. I understand that a character can not carry both the hologram and jetpack at the same time, so I will have to forgo one of them at a time. But my goal is to have all the "little details" as well.

So far, my outfit will consist of:

Rogue Armor set with Recruit pieces
Full Exo-suit
Binary Rifle as my primary weapon
M6H Pistol as my secondary weapon
Jetpack or Hologram as my armor ability

I still have to create my Data Crystal Chip.

So far, that is all I can think of... is there anything I am forgetting? (only items that can be carried on a character at a single time)

Also, I promised myself I would complete the beltline today... minus the fact that it is past midnight... it is still today to me! I completed it, but it is not attached. That will have to wait until tomorrow since I don't want to burn down my house by sleep-hot gluing!

Here is what I came up with. If my wife's measurements that she recorded for me while I was test fitting are correct, it should be a perfect fit.



And after I installed all of the woven elastic to be attached to both the torso and legs


Yes, that is three 12" glue sticks worth of glue I used for this... no way do I want it busting a seam here! (wouldn't want the proverbial "caught with my pants down")



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Dont forget your 'nades man! They're an essential item for Spartans. Like seriously, who doesn't like blasting grunts sky high with a wonderful frag grenade?
+1 on grenades . I personally would like to see a pulse grenade. It takes the most effort and finesse to get a kill from. Which is right up Evakura's alley.
you know what I think you could have both now just hear me out, in halo 3 you could carry bubble shields, which is a drop shield on a stand so the jet pack could be like a equipment piece and the armor ability could be put on too trust me, me and a good friend talked this out and you could have four armor ability's on you at once it just mean's it would take longer for them to recharge which is why in game you're limited to one, heck I won't mind having all of them on me.
you know what I think you could have both now just hear me out, in halo 3 you could carry bubble shields, which is a drop shield on a stand so the jet pack could be like a equipment piece and the armor ability could be put on too trust me, me and a good friend talked this out and you could have four armor ability's on you at once it just mean's it would take longer for them to recharge which is why in game you're limited to one, heck I won't mind having all of them on me.

Atrocious punctuation aside, did you not read the part where EVAkura stated he was hitting up for game accuracy?
Ahhh, so I am thinking grenades are in order... or should I say grenade. I like the idea RYNO_666 came up with, the pulse grenade. A bit trickier to make, but it goes along with the Forerunner technology that I am adapting to my build. Hence, only one grenade :)

Good news on the Exo-suit front. All of the major construction is completed! The beltline worked out way better than I imagined (the woven elastic strapping saves me again) and everything cinched up nicely... especially in the hip and butt areas :)

I still have just a couple of areas that I need to add some minor cosmetic strapping with Velcro (boots to legs and groin area) and a couple of detail lines and such. Then I will decide tomorrow how I want to proceed with the paint scheme.

Here is a few quick shots of the two main pieces being worn (Please forgive the mess in the background :) )




I will be very pleased when I can scratch this off my list.... sooooo close now!


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Pretty epic Phillip!! You sharing your build techniques definitely give people all the help they should need, thanks! I'm anxious to see how the hard armor looks when layered onto the exosuit.

I really have enjoyed following this thread. Though this is my first comment.
The build is very amazing, but being who I am (a little bit of a perfectionist haha) the shoulders seem off to me? Is there a reason why they are put off like winged plates and not uniformed like the rest of the suit? is it for user mobility? Or something else I am not have been made aware of?
I really have enjoyed following this thread. Though this is my first comment.
The build is very amazing, but being who I am (a little bit of a perfectionist haha) the shoulders seem off to me? Is there a reason why they are put off like winged plates and not uniformed like the rest of the suit? is it for user mobility? Or something else I am not have been made aware of?

I am attributing the fact that the shoulders are a bit off to the fact that they were one of the first pieces I made for the suit. I have been really considering revisiting that part of it, because like you say, they are unlike any other part of the Exo-suit and not accurate. I must admit, it is one of the wonderful parts of hot glue... if you don't like it, just use your glue gun to take it off :)

Elusch, The mobility of it, if I were to give it a percentage, I conservatively estimate at around 80%. My biggest concern with adding the beltline was that it would limit my ability to twist at the hips. Apparently, with the addition of the elastic, it has allowed me to move quite freely.

Also, when I say I have hit my mobility limits, that is where I start to feel tension on the suit. This means that this is my free range of motion without "activating" any of the elastic or the bend points in the EVA. Now that it is completed (for the most part), I am kind of afraid of pushing the limits too much because I don't want to start popping seams. I realize I need to get over this and just do it, but I may wait until I figure out the shoulders and finished the aforementioned last couple of details that still need to be addressed.

I should have a completed update here shortly.... (crosses fingers)
well at least your not testing the suit for the master chief... or are you?

plus to revist I'm easiler post about armor and equipment do you EVA think it's possible to have both on you at once, because it's like eating you pie and having cake too!
plus to revist I'm easiler post about armor and equipment do you EVA think it's possible to have both on you at once, because it's like eating you pie and having cake too!

I "could" have them both on at the same time, but when it comes to attending a convention, I will choose which to wear, and which to bring with me to display separately. I undoubtedly will want to enter into a contest, and am unsure if they are similar to car shows... but if they are, accuracy is often a key point and would hate to get marked down because I had more gear on than what is allowed in-game.

My intentions are to have a whole array of accessories for display though. It may mean I have to rent a booth... which will cost a small fortune I am certain, but it would be worth it to allow people to see all of my stuff in-person.
My intentions are to have a whole array of accessories for display though. It may mean I have to rent a booth... which will cost a small fortune I am certain, but it would be worth it to allow people to see all of my stuff in-person.

Get together with a fellow Spartan in that case - if you can spare yourself some time, it may be worth making a UNSC-themed equipment case to showcase and store them in.
Get together with a fellow Spartan in that case - if you can spare yourself some time, it may be worth making a UNSC-themed equipment case to showcase and store them in.

Good idea. I may have to do that to save some money. Depending on how far away the Con is, I may also be able to pick up some wire mesh lockers very similar to the ones used in the movie at my local recycler... we will see.

As far as the shoulders go; I think I am going to attempt to salvage what I have and work it from a different angle. First, I will remove the upper "plates" and when I put them back on, I will be sure to do it on the correct side this time :) Then I will make a few cuts in the existing shoulders and heat form them to make a more drastic slant downwards. In addition, I will hard mount three clips to the inside at predetermined locations. I will then fix the corresponding clip ends to the arm piece. This will make a semi-permanent attachment with the arms, but still allow me to remove them when the suit is off (I am thinking the releases will be too far in to remove while wearing). Here are a couple of photos showing where I am referring to... and yes, I used the high-tech, massive learning curve, costly, and unparalleled MS Paint!

The red boxes are where half of the clips go, and the end of the red line is where the other half goes (underside of shoulder piece)


Back view this time. The only difference here is the yellow line (and the red one below it) indicate that is where I am going to add a piece of woven elastic.


And lastly, a side view showing where all three clips will go. This should align the shoulder nicely, and make it form to my body much better. My only concern is for when I lift my arms. I am wondering whether it will make my arm pieces try to slide off. Ah well... we shall see I guess :)


Any thoughts on my fix before I start hacking it apart?


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What if you had like a contact sleeve underneath your shirt, like in the military the plastic card behind your ribbon rack to hold it square, maybe a thin curved piece underneath and cut a slit through the fabric for contact points, if any of that made since
What if you had like a contact sleeve underneath your shirt, like in the military the plastic card behind your ribbon rack to hold it square, maybe a thin curved piece underneath and cut a slit through the fabric for contact points, if any of that made since

That made perfect sense. Thank you for the input :) However, it is a tad late. I was going to do what I had shown above, but in the middle of it, I came up with an alternate solution (one I had a long time ago, but started overthinking everything!). I simply took a 2" wide nylon strap and hot glued it under the shoulder and put heavy duty Velcro on the ends. I then removed the top plates and heat shaped the ends of the shoulders downwards to form better to my body. I then reattached the plates on the correct side this time :)

I made sure the straps were not visible, nor do they interfere with the arm's armor. Now, it seems, my shoulder pads are cinched to my arm with the arm's armor pinned in between, and they move with the motion of my arms... like they are supposed to.

So, with that bit being accomplished, I shall now update the index on my first post and state that the Exo-suit's construction is COMPLETED! Tomorrow, I shall start on the painting phase. Since I am still a bit unsure how I will proceed with it, let's just imagine the whole thing all black (because it may very well be just that!).

I will post update photos tomorrow as well.
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