No, Seriously, this is ridiculously good. i tried my hand at foam a little, and even with a heat gun i couldn't get it to look that good.
Thank ye very much!
Okay, I finished the construction of the AI Chip. All I have left to do now is to paint it, and add one copper wire in the channel on the back as a circuit bridge for my electronics when it is inserted into my helmet. If I can find/mimic it, I also want to have it trigger my sound board to have Cortana do a systems check, confirmation of presence and successful link to Forerunner weapon systems, and "mission objectives uploading/completed" statement.
Here are the photos from this build so far.
Just as a side note: I took quite a few artistic liberties with this piece. This is one item that is not exactly game accurate.... but it is a key, and no two keys are the same, right?

(or at least supposed to be.... we all know different... but I hope ya get the point!)
Here are the three main pieces I worked on today.
This picture shows how rough the cuts with the bandsaw were on the acrylic
This image shows the third piece that I had recast. Like I stated before, it is only one sided, so I had to replicate the other side to match. This was all done by hand with various files.
Here is the layout of all the pieces before I progressed further. I was really happy how smooth the acrylic became after hours of filing away. I only had one mishap, and that was on the smaller inside piece. The one time I used a power tool (Dremel) for shaping, it caught the piece and snapped off a chunk. Superglue took care of that though.
Here are all the pieces assembled. I primed the rondo pieces first so that the seam where the acrylic met them didn't show the rondo color. I am still debating whether or not to paint the acrylic and then file just the edges.
And here what it looks like when light is applied to the acrylic.
Next will be paint. For this piece, I will be using an enamel to keep it from getting worn when it is inserted and removed from the helmet's AI socket.
So, what do y'all think?