Aztlan's Halo 4 Rogue + Binary Rifle + M6H + Exo-suit WIP, PIC HEAVY!

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I've been eyeing your build for a while now and you sir made my jaw drop i couldn't believe how clean and precise everything is keep up the great work.

How do you plan on wearing the actual armor with the undersuit?
Will you just slip it on or will you use velcro, clips, etc?
I've been eyeing your build for a while now and you sir made my jaw drop i couldn't believe how clean and precise everything is keep up the great work.

How do you plan on wearing the actual armor with the undersuit?
Will you just slip it on or will you use velcro, clips, etc?

Thanks and I will do!

The plan is to utilize several mounting techniques, and I am pretty sure that none of them will include straps, Velcro, or quick snaps. I am going for realism and want all of the mounting hardware to be solid and if it is to be seen, cool looking. I know that is kind of vague, but I also know I am going to make it up as I go, so I really can't give you a good answer right now.

I am currently trying to salvage my failed attempt at the AI Chip casting. This picture shows the buck I made above, and the two pieces I was able to save from the cast. I have gone back and altered the mold a bit so that I can get the third and final outer piece. This is made from Rondo, and I must admit, it is really nice to work with.


Here is the piece fresh from the cast that I am trying to salvage, minus the upper left corner where I started cleaning up the faces. It is pretty obvious how much work there is to do, not to mention that there is no detail on the other side at all... I am making that from scratch. I am thinking I will attempt to make the inner portion out of clear acrylic. It just depends on how detailed I can get with the bandsaw and dremel without loosing any fingers!



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No, Seriously, this is ridiculously good. i tried my hand at foam a little, and even with a heat gun i couldn't get it to look that good.
No, Seriously, this is ridiculously good. i tried my hand at foam a little, and even with a heat gun i couldn't get it to look that good.

Thank ye very much!

Okay, I finished the construction of the AI Chip. All I have left to do now is to paint it, and add one copper wire in the channel on the back as a circuit bridge for my electronics when it is inserted into my helmet. If I can find/mimic it, I also want to have it trigger my sound board to have Cortana do a systems check, confirmation of presence and successful link to Forerunner weapon systems, and "mission objectives uploading/completed" statement.

Here are the photos from this build so far.

Just as a side note: I took quite a few artistic liberties with this piece. This is one item that is not exactly game accurate.... but it is a key, and no two keys are the same, right? :) (or at least supposed to be.... we all know different... but I hope ya get the point!)

Here are the three main pieces I worked on today.


This picture shows how rough the cuts with the bandsaw were on the acrylic


This image shows the third piece that I had recast. Like I stated before, it is only one sided, so I had to replicate the other side to match. This was all done by hand with various files.


Here is the layout of all the pieces before I progressed further. I was really happy how smooth the acrylic became after hours of filing away. I only had one mishap, and that was on the smaller inside piece. The one time I used a power tool (Dremel) for shaping, it caught the piece and snapped off a chunk. Superglue took care of that though.


Here are all the pieces assembled. I primed the rondo pieces first so that the seam where the acrylic met them didn't show the rondo color. I am still debating whether or not to paint the acrylic and then file just the edges.


And here what it looks like when light is applied to the acrylic.


Next will be paint. For this piece, I will be using an enamel to keep it from getting worn when it is inserted and removed from the helmet's AI socket.

So, what do y'all think?


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I dont think you know how to disappoint, this is awesome!! I really like the idea of triggering Cortana's voice when putting it in, and definitely sounds doable, I think I'll take apart something that sd cards slide and lock into to figure out how this will be practical again really great ideas and work!!
I dont think you know how to disappoint, this is awesome!! I really like the idea of triggering Cortana's voice when putting it in, and definitely sounds doable, I think I'll take apart something that sd cards slide and lock into to figure out how this will be practical again really great ideas and work!!

Thank you!

Well, my next project will require me to bring back some old skills I have not used in many years. I am going to attempt a 99% game accurate piece from Reach. This time, I want to take on a Covenant item, and what better than...


After struggling with my printer's settings for an hour or so, I finally was able to get this out. It will measure in at 48.75" (I know, the true size is supposed to be 49.9", but I did say 99% accuracy!) I can't afford to waste any more ink, brain cells, or patience trying to get it to the exact measurement :)

The old skill I referred to is creating a balsa skeleton for the main construction of the curved portions so that this can be hollow. I will be doing all of the exterior first in balsa, then coating it with Rondo (and possibly woven fiberglass) so that I can add details as well as strength.

I am only taking on this project because I am being driven nuts waiting for the weather to warm up consistently here, and really love the look and size of this weapon. So, with that, I will start building my list of materials and go shopping!


  • SAM_1257_zpse9ef7c82.jpg
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This needs to be elite! (exceptions should be made for the exceptional plus you DID finish you knife so it counts) NICE work! This is one of my fav threads :)
what is the method to printing that out to scale? thats actually my favorite weapon from reach, cant wait to see your skele
This needs to be elite! (exceptions should be made for the exceptional plus you DID finish you knife so it counts) NICE work! This is one of my fav threads :)

Thanks for the vote! I am really looking forward to working more on the Rogue. I am focusing on the helmet now and all of my years of experience working with Bondo are coming back to me. I will also be working on this rifle during the days that are not nice enough to work with the Bondo, which seems to be the majority right now :)

what is the method to printing that out to scale? thats actually my favorite weapon from reach, cant wait to see your skele

I chose multi page layout with a 5X2 pattern. Then, taking into account that the margins are .5" and each page has a length of 11", that means that each printed page would be 10". 5X10 is 50", but the image has a bit of padding on both ends. I then chose "print to fit". Okay, so I probably went the REALLY long and difficult way, but it worked well and I ain't gonna complain!

Cool that you like this weapon though. Right now, I just finished making the buck for the needles. I will cast it tomorrow morning, and start making whipping out crystal clear epoxy molds by the afternoon. I also ordered the violet LEDs I will be using to illuminate each one.

Keeping in mind that tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, I will have to juggle all of this with my Rogue build as well.
so I tried what you said, and after realizing I have a really cheap, outdated printer, I found this place that does it for you in seconds and just printed myself out a rifle :) for your next project cuz we all know youre not retiring anytime soon
Very true! And thanks for the link :)

So, I have not been slacking... promise!!! I am still chugging away at the Rogue helmet when I get a break from the rain, but I am not going all out on it until the weather gives me a bit more consistency. I really need the humidity to go lower and also even out some.

With that, I am using this time to work indoors on the Needle Rifle. Here are a couple of pics for you. Not much to see unless you really zoom in on the paper. Then you might realize the crazy insane amount of math computations that are going into this!

Here is my buck for the "Needles" I have already made the mold and cast one using my crystal clear epoxy... and my violet LEDs should show up tomorrow :)


And here is all my reference pictures and the pieces I have created for the lower stock... now to start assembling the skeleton :)



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I like how you designed the AI chip, but I am curious to know as to where you got the idea for the design from? It definitely does not look like any of the crystal data chips shown for use with Cortana. Was it your own creative license? :p
I like how you designed the AI chip, but I am curious to know as to where you got the idea for the design from? It definitely does not look like any of the crystal data chips shown for use with Cortana. Was it your own creative license? :p

I wish this was something I came up with by myself! Here is a screen shot of the file... it was a wonderful gift from Arcanine :) I obviously took some liberties with it (mostly the acrylic center so that it would reflect light).


And here is where I am with the skeleton. I am really happy about how this is coming along. It has been FOREVER since I have built this way (about 30 years), and this is my first time freehanding something like this.


Next is skinning it :p


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I wish this was something I came up with by myself! Here is a screen shot of the file... it was a wonderful gift from Arcanine :) I obviously took some liberties with it (mostly the acrylic center so that it would reflect light).

I wonder where that design came from. o_O Of all the Halo games, I've never seen that design. It's definitely different. The center design reminds me of something I saw on SailorMoon. XD LOL


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Next time I see her online, I will ask where it came from in Halo 4.

No real pictures to show today (yet... depends if I get any work done since today is the PC release for Spartan Assault), but I did have an incredible day shopping.

One gallon of Bondo
One sheet of 1/8" thick ORANGE plexiglass!!!!!!! I was so lucky finding this! It is for when I vacuum form the helmet's visor
Ordered a 28"X28" custom cut sheet of the honeycomb design to be used as a stencil for the Needle Rifle. They are using a newer material that is basically a huge sheet of painter's tape. It was quite spendy, and I won't be able to pick it up for a month, but that is okay, I won't be ready for it until then. They should be sending proofs next week for my approval before they do the actual cutting.
And, I found a store that is identical to what Radio Shack USED to be. They had everything from LEDs to Raspberry Pi (unfortunately out of stock atm). AND, they had knowledge about everything they carried. Yes, it is a dying breed for sure.
And, I purchased the paint colors needed for the Needle Rifle (not so easy when you are color blind I tell ya!)

I think I spend WAY too much money today! Tomorrow won't be any better because that is when I am doing my shopping trip for some power tools! ARGH!
Spartan Assault is awesome I played it to completion three times . Trying to get gold stars on all levels still. We have a place here called Fry's electronics that has everything, but customer service is horrible. Red orange or blue green?
Spartan Assault is awesome I played it to completion three times . Trying to get gold stars on all levels still. We have a place here called Fry's electronics that has everything, but customer service is horrible. Red orange or blue green?

Red/Orange... go figure! It is odd though... I am not sure where the "blending" happens, but apparently it does (according to those stupid colorblind tests they give!). I feel as if I can sense the differences in tone/shades, but the tests prove that I can not. I can ALMOST see the number/letter, but not enough to give a valid answer. I just roll with it now :)
So, my two day shopping spree is completed and now it is time to dive back into my work. I found out today that my hands can only handle shaping one needle a day. That is okay though, I can only cast one a day and there is quite a bit of time until they will be needed anyways :)

Here is what the first one looks like (I have 4 casted already, and a fifth curing)

I used a black piece of cloth to give a bit of contrast


And here it is with the violet LED hooked up


If everything goes correctly this evening, I should have the lower stock completely framed and skinned, and possibly resin coated :D

EDIT: Mission accomplished. Skinned and resin coated. This means tomorrow I can start the next phase :) The picture didn't come out that great, but this is where it stands.



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Dude this is awesome!
Those needles are going to rock.
The needle rifle is my favourite weapon from Halo Reach, so I can't wait to see it built.
Red/Orange... go figure! It is odd though... I am not sure where the "blending" happens, but apparently it does (according to those stupid colorblind tests they give!). I feel as if I can sense the differences in tone/shades, but the tests prove that I can not. I can ALMOST see the number/letter, but not enough to give a valid answer. I just roll with it now :)

My father's Red/Orange also. He was in the Vietnam war and they put him in a helicopter with a large machine gun because he was able to see dead tree foliage and grass from above much easier. That's where the enemies were hiding and since he was more sensitive to Green/Blue he was an asset.

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