Aztlan's Halo 4 Rogue + Binary Rifle + M6H + Exo-suit WIP, PIC HEAVY!

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Thanks again! I must admit, this is also my favorite weapon on the Covenant side. I strayed away from the Forerunner weapons simply because I wanted to go for something that had both sharp angles and sweeping curves.

Last night, I re-worked one of the needles and filed it down to where it was not a "fat" as the one I showed here. It looks MUCH more like the reference pictures now :)

Today was spend working on the Rogue helmet for a bit (I will not be photo-documenting that... I will just show you all when it is done :) ) and working three layers of bondo on the top portion of the lower stock of the Needle Rifle. I have wet sanded that, primered again, and will start on the lower half tomorrow. All the top needs is a tiny bit of spot putty in places (1/64" low spots at most). Just as a heads-up, I am aiming for very close to the quality of what Volpin Props did with their Needler. I would love to claim that it will be the same or better quality, but how could ANYONE beat that?!

Anyways, here is the piece after I wet sanded the third layer of Bondo.


And just after I primed it one last time before the spot putty



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Your going for the same level quality as Volpin got on his Needler?! Good luck with that! ( I mean that encouragingly, not sarcastically)

I can't wait to see this finished, and luckily there's a build wright up for the Needler project. Unless you're going to try and figure everything out on your own.
Good luck, and keep up the great work!
Thanks guys for the encouragement :)

BTW, I would not have taken it as an insult if you had meant it sarcastically Apothacary, as Volpin's build is extraordinary. I do like the fact that you stated "level of quality" as a pose to accuracy though! I am realizing right off, that is what I am having to do here. Unfortunately, accuracy is having to take a bit of a back seat to quality. I am having a beast of a time reading these angles, and don't want to start over just because I am a few degrees or centimeters off on a few areas. However, I can undoubtedly control the quality aspect of it.

I will check out the write up for sure though, as it is always good to get ideas on how to progress on a few parts. So far, I am sparing no expense on this though. I have roughly $150 already invested and I have not even finished my first part!

If the weather gets a bit better than it was today, I will have some update photos tomorrow for you all :)
Heres the link to his needler build if youre interested:

Looks good so far, can't wait to see more progress updates on just about everything :p

Thank you so much for the link. I learned a lot from reading his step-by-step and got a bit of affirmation on how I go about things too. He builds a lot like me in the sense that he using many mediums, and that was very comforting :)

In addition, I put in an order for a 3-d printer today. So, with a bit of luck and elbow grease (and brain grease too), I should be rolling with yet another tool here in the next few weeks! My only hurdle with this will be learning to interface with my computer as well as becoming more versed with 3-d modeling software.

Unfortunately, the weather here is being rather stubborn. It is right on the cusp, and keeping me from decisively moving forward with working any chemicals. I guess today may be spend working on electronics for my grenade.
May I ask what 3-D printer you are planning to get?

And great work on the armor and needle rifle it looks beautiful :D
May I ask what 3-D printer you are planning to get?

And great work on the armor and needle rifle it looks beautiful :D

Thanks! It is still coming along very slowly. But, I am in no hurry to whip this one out as it took Volpin 7 months to complete his Needler, and he had wicked awesome tools and materials to boot!

I am not sure of the brand the 3-d printer is. I am still waiting to get word back from my buddy on whether or not he will do it for me. Basically, he is going to 3-d print me a copy of his 3-d printer (minus a few parts of course). Once I get word back from him, I will be sure to let you all know the process it takes. He claims his cost to build his was $150-200 and it works really well. If this is the case, and it is something that is fairly straightforward, I will be sharing the info with y'all.
This is one of my favorite threads for starters, and i am very interested on how you are going to insert the AI ship into your helmet
Thanks HALOSPRTAN :) I will demonstrate how the AI chip will work in just a bit.

But, before I go there, I recently found a tool that I think none of us should be without.

A profile gauge is cheap (around $10 for a good one) and simply amazing for making sure everything is symmetrical.

Keep in mind... the helmet is still VERY rough!!!

I started with the right side.


Here is the profile I came up with


Now the comparison at the exact same place on the left


Pretty darned close. If you look closely, you can see I am a bit off at the top part of the brim and at the very lowest part (maybe a 1/32"). Anyways, I hope you can see how valuable this tool is.

Here is a picture of my horrid outside workstation. I REALLY need to invest in an outside table!!


So, on to the AI Chip. Here it is as it looks just as you start inserting the AI Chip into the port.


And this is about where it will be once it is seated all the way in (everything is just propped in place for this demo)


The placement of the port on the inside. I will find out more about clearance once I cut the lower portion of the helmet so I can put it on.


And lastly, the port itself. It functions on a pressure switch setup. The AI Chip fits in snug due to the craft foam applying tension to the sides. Once inserted all the way, the end of the chip presses down on a metal tab that has a small spring under it. Once pressure is applied to the tab, it compresses the spring, allowing the metal tab to make connection with the other metal tab, thus completing the circuit.


Now that the weather here is getting much better, I should be progressing much faster... provided I can get my sleep schedule straightened out!


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That looks really good, im going to try to do the same thing with a h4 cortana chip on my chief helmet, which im working on now
T I will demonstrate how the AI chip will work in just a bit.

But, before I go there, I recently found a tool that I think none of us should be without.

A profile gauge is cheap (around $10 for a good one) and simply amazing for making sure everything is symmetrical.

Pretty darned close. If you look closely, you can see I am a bit off at the top part of the brim and at the very lowest part (maybe a 1/32"). Anyways, I hope you can see how valuable this tool is.

I hate when something so simple rocks your world. I wish I'd had that on hand for several steps of my Splaser. I struggled for a month on symmetry with my fiberglass receiver! I won't start my next project without one. Thanks!

Your chip slot work looks great too.

wow it's a lot bigger then I thought.

The only thing I had to scale the chip with is the width of the AI slot on the back of the helmet. It may be off, but I am not going to build that bugger any smaller... It was crazy tough to make it the size it is now. From my game extracted model, I made the L/H/W ratio just about dead on, it is just the overall size that may be off... but I don't know, since I don't have knowledge of the actual size. Considering this is an item that not many apparently even knew about, I am pretty proud of the simple fact of just making it :)

That looks really good, im going to try to do the same thing with a h4 cortana chip on my chief helmet, which im working on now

Thanks! Do you have the design for the chip by chance? I think I know which one you are referring to, but just want to be sure.

I hate when something so simple rocks your world. I wish I'd had that on hand for several steps of my Splaser. I struggled for a month on symmetry with my fiberglass receiver! I won't start my next project without one. Thanks!

Your chip slot work looks great too.


Thank you... and you're welcome! Amazing how such a simple tool can save SO much time! Before, I was just "eyeballing" and using photos to get it right. I knew about the shadow method, as well as others, but was just too lazy to use them... this tool makes me WANT to use it and get it just right!
At 3.75"x2" (guessing by the cutting mat lines and comparing to the Halo trailer with Chief holding Cortana's AI chip) I'd say the AI chip is a tad large scale wise


The AI chip is gorgeous nonetheless and the fact that you are implementing it into your helmet is amazing. I wouldn't be worried about the scale at all ;)


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I had the same idea with an AI chip to put into a helmet. Now i can watch you do it and copy ;-P
Everything is looking good. keep up the good work
At 3.75"x2" (guessing by the cutting mat lines and comparing to the Halo trailer with Chief holding Cortana's AI chip) I'd say the AI chip is a tad large scale wise


The AI chip is gorgeous nonetheless and the fact that you are implementing it into your helmet is amazing. I wouldn't be worried about the scale at all ;)

yeah, that is the exact one i plan to use, keep up the good work!


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Thanks guys! I will do my best to not disappoint!

So, I got my proof and I approved it for plotting. Here is what I am getting (I own this, so I can share it :) ) Just in case any of you want to use it for your design.



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