Aztlan's Halo 4 Rogue + Binary Rifle + M6H + Exo-suit WIP, PIC HEAVY!

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wow, where did you get this, what are you going to use it for?

I had it designed by a print shop and they will be cutting it out on a plotter with "Gerber Paint Mask" measuring out to 28" X 28". I will be using it as a stencil for the Needle Rifle. It is basically a huge sheet of painter's tape cut to this design :) Expensive, but I am hoping it will be well worth the price.

Just as an FYI; my piece will have 1/4 diameter across the hex shape, and the connecting lines are 1/16" thick.
I had it designed by a print shop and they will be cutting it out on a plotter with "Gerber Paint Mask" measuring out to 28" X 28". I will be using it as a stencil for the Needle Rifle. It is basically a huge sheet of painter's tape cut to this design :) Expensive, but I am hoping it will be well worth the price.

Just as an FYI; my piece will have 1/4 diameter across the hex shape, and the connecting lines are 1/16" thick.
I am trying to find something with a 3d hex design to make the undersuit material and cast it in latex
Have the mods been on this thread, because it feels like I should have to go to the elite forum to look at this thread
Have the mods been on this thread, because it feels like I should have to go to the elite forum to look at this thread

Nothing has been promoted to the Elite section in almost a year - even builds that are deserving of the status. It's worth petitioning, but I think the idea of 'Elite status builds' has fallen into disuse.

Regardless - nice work indeed, Spartan. That pattern would have been a lot easier and cheaper to make up in Photoshop, but if it works, then go for it!
... I think the idea of 'Elite status builds' has fallen into disuse...

I read something in the forum a while ago that stated the mods were thinking of getting rid of the elite section all together, which may be a reason why threads like this have not been moved. This is most certainly an elite build, keep up the outstanding work.
I read something in the forum a while ago that stated the mods were thinking of getting rid of the elite section all together, which may be a reason why threads like this have not been moved. This is most certainly an elite build, keep up the outstanding work.
If that happens, where will the outstanding threads go, there seems like there has to be something like that. It doesnt seem like Noob forum should be the label for many of these.
I have put a lot of thought into my response on this matter and I hope everyone can understand where I am coming from. Also, I want to not get too far off topic (my build, since this is a thread on that) so please, let's keep that as the focus.

With that said, this how I see it, and also a challenge I am having.

I started this thread with the knowledge that I would be building quite a few items and depositing them in one place. I want to "show off" my pieces, but also want to give instructions, advice, and help to those that found my techniques intriguing. As far as where my thread is, I really don't mind. I simply want people to be able to find it easily. While it may be a great honor to be given Elite status, that was not my goal when I chose to join this community. I will be much more honored knowing that someone is inspired or helped by my input.

My only desire now would be to create a new thread that compiles all of my tutorials, processes, tests, and other helpful information into one place, and gives that thread the ability to grow as I create more. The only problem I have is that it is against the forum rules to duplicate content from one thread to create another. And if I were to remove it from this thread to create the other, this one would become Swiss cheese. Input from a mod would be helpful on that one.

On the same topic, but not about me, I sympathize with the mods and forum owner because the following: Other builds with the same caliber or better as mine exist (T-086's and Sandbagger's are the first to come to mind) that are in the same position. With that said, at what level do you introduce a thread into Elite status? What if it is borderline? How do you not hurt feelings by not accepting someone who thinks they are deserving in? What damage control must you have to do each time this happens?

There are builds that stand out as undoubtedly Elite, but there are also builds that are just on the edge. There are also builds that some think should be Elite, but in my opinion, are not (given the true definition of Elite that is). What would make my opinion better or more accurate than yours?

The only downside I see to NOT having new threads in the Elite section is the fact that it is the first place most new members or internet wanderers go. Without having fresh material, it gives the outside appearance that this is a dying hobby, or this site has gone stale. I know it is the first place I went to when I found the 405th, and I was very inspired after checking out many of those threads.

In conclusion, I am simply happy to be a part of this community, and love the interaction I have with everyone who stops by and comments on my progress. I will be here to answer your questions, give advice (if I have the ability to do so), and provide instructions upon request. As long as there is activity on my thread and people are able to find it (current members and perspective new ones too), I will be happy happy happy :)
cant wait to see how you apply that stencil, painters tape has been one of my many enemies since I started building. Also the helmet is looking good, I chose to start from the back as well even though its all the same material I feel like the face shield is more breakable while im working for some reason
When you finish your build I'm sure it will end up in the elite section.

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Well said sir, you are going for the most noble cause, teaching others. It is a shame that you can't replicate threads, hopefully that will be changed. I have been inspired by your work and I mean to encore rate some of the techniques I have seen on this amazing thread into my own build. I just feel that this thread and your amazing work should get the highest recognition.
...My only desire now would be to create a new thread that compiles all of my tutorials, processes, tests, and other helpful information into one place, and gives that thread the ability to grow as I create more. The only problem I have is that it is against the forum rules to duplicate content from one thread to create another. And if I were to remove it from this thread to create the other, this one would become Swiss cheese. Input from a mod would be helpful on that one...

Where did you see duplicating content, especially for a all in one sticky type post, is against the rules? I just looked through all the forum rules I could find and nothing about duplicating content was mentioned.
guys I think this is going down the "I know I'm great but I want to be like everyone else" road.
Where did you see duplicating content, especially for a all in one sticky type post, is against the rules? I just looked through all the forum rules I could find and nothing about duplicating content was mentioned.

From "Forum Infractions, Warnings, and Offenses" thread

"Multiple Simultaneous or Consecutive Posts - Starting several threads regarding the same exact topic, posting multiple instances of the same information, and/or posting replies consecutively(within minutes of each other) without attempting to edit prior posts. Exceptions are double posts in your personal progress threads when updating."
I wouldn't think condensing tips and tutorials in a thread would fit the intent of that rule. Guess you're right, that will be a mods call.
guys I think this is going down the "I know I'm great but I want to be like everyone else" road.

A little humility is never a bad thing. EVAkura is doing something a lot of people could benefit from, without trying to fall victim to hubris. I doubt that's a bad thing.
EVAkura, don't sweat it. What that rule means is posting the exact same thread multiple times, or posting several times in a row with no new content instead of editing the already-existing post. You are encouraged to take tips and tutorials and make their own thread for them.
So, I now have 7 needles completed, one that was cast and just finished curing, and another that was just started. That means I only have three more to cast after this current one gets pulled. They may seem real simple, but I estimate each one takes about 2 hours to file, wet sand, clean, and drill (for the LED). This does not account for the time taken to create yet another mold nor bad pulls. This is my 3rd mold I have had to make due to the first two's walls being too thin and I have had four failed pulls due to bad mix ratios and temperatures that unexpectedly dipped on me. Hopefully this mold will get me thru to the end :)


I continue to work on the spikes for the Pulse grenade and am just needing to get some 2 part epoxy putty to finish that stage. Then I have to solder up the 7 remaining bread boards with remaining 17 LEDs and install the power source and switch. All that will be left then is to paint and work out the battery access via magnets and hinges.

Also, the bondo work on the Rogue set is progressing slowly as the weather here took a turn for the worse and got really wet and cold. Hopefully that will turn around as I am excited to progress further on them.

In my "spare" time, I am going to put together a comprehensive guide to working with EVA which will be a culmination of my existing tutorials, a few new ones, and a new video I plan on doing here real soon. I am hoping to have something tangible in the next week or so.

Thanks for tuning in, and for all of your support and positive comments.


  • SAM_1278_zpsbd7f42f5.jpg
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So, I now have 7 needles completed, one that was cast and just finished curing, and another that was just started. That means I only have three more to cast after this current one gets pulled. They may seem real simple, but I estimate each one takes about 2 hours to file, wet sand, clean, and drill (for the LED). This does not account for the time taken to create yet another mold nor bad pulls. This is my 3rd mold I have had to make due to the first two's walls being too thin and I have had four failed pulls due to bad mix ratios and temperatures that unexpectedly dipped on me. Hopefully this mold will get me thru to the end :)


I continue to work on the spikes for the Pulse grenade and am just needing to get some 2 part epoxy putty to finish that stage. Then I have to solder up the 7 remaining bread boards with remaining 17 LEDs and install the power source and switch. All that will be left then is to paint and work out the battery access via magnets and hinges.

Also, the bondo work on the Rogue set is progressing slowly as the weather here took a turn for the worse and got really wet and cold. Hopefully that will turn around as I am excited to progress further on them.

In my "spare" time, I am going to put together a comprehensive guide to working with EVA which will be a culmination of my existing tutorials, a few new ones, and a new video I plan on doing here real soon. I am hoping to have something tangible in the next week or so.

Thanks for tuning in, and for all of your support and positive comments.
those needles look amazing, im looking forward to the finished product. I hope your weather gets better, hope you make progress on your rogue. How much 'Spare " time do you have, you seem to be able to stuff done.


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