Aztlan's Halo 4 Rogue + Binary Rifle + M6H + Exo-suit WIP, PIC HEAVY!

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I have those but they aren't ready yet, I can upload them for you if you want them as is and play around with them


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Thanks again for the awesome comments :)

Also, thank you Crimmson for the offer but I will have to pass for two reasons... One is because I have no clue how to take it from there to where I would need it (if even that makes sense!), and two is because I am really trying to stick with Aztlan's pep files (minus the hand plates). I must admit though, those 3-d renderings look wicked cool.

Now, as for the hand plates. I am going with the HD ones that Robogenesis did. I know they are not the recruit ones pictured, but I like the detail in them better. After I built the test one, I realized that I would have to tackle resizing for the first time. Since I only have Pepakura viewer, I had to tweak my printer settings a bit to reduce the size by 40%! I will tell you one thing, I thought Aztlan's builds had some tiny bits and pieces, boy did I mislead myself! At 60% original size, the small become way smaller! Anyways, here is a photo of it compared to my hand... I think I nailed the scaling perfectly.


One more day, possibly two, of epoxying and I am all caught up and ready for the Recruit parts :)


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If you're still looking to keep the set entirely based off of Halo 4's armour set, I recently did a Mk VI G2 handplate that you may want to look in, just to keep things game-accurate.

You can find the file here: VI G2 Handplate LETTER.pdo

Thanks for the input and link. I just finished the others, and then printed off one of yours. I will build it and see what I come up with :)

Ahhhh... Choices, choices!!! What do you all think? Left or right?



  • SAM_0836_zps593c2b08.jpg
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For resizing, you can get pep designer without buying it, you just won't be able to save the files after they've been tweaked
While I appreciate the offer, I insist that I purchase the code. If you could do me a favor and edit your post to get rid of the code you put up there I would greatly appreciate it.
Ahhhh... Choices, choices!!! What do you all think? Left or right?


Personally if your building the suit to be a "full suit" then go with the right one .. more accurate.. IMHO.. then again .. best thing .. go with what YOU like.. having others chose is how you end up with something YOU ARE NOT happy with in the long run


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Thanks for that info and thought. I really think I am going to go with the ones on the right, but will finish both... well, just because I hate to not finish something I started :)

While waiting for more supplies, I have decided to take the leap and start another phase of this project (one that I have ALL of the supplies for!). It will measure 61.5 inches when completed (156.21cm). I am not sure it is exactly to scale, but if I get this thing any larger, I will have a difficult time lugging it around! This progress will accompany the Rogue build since it is all a part of the same outfit. Ever since I first saw the Binary Rifle, I fell in love with it's design. This should be a nice compliment I believe.

Here is my layout and the helmet is for comparison.



  • SAM_0837_zps1dc867e7.jpg
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nice, I've seen a couple of forerunner weapon builds on here and the usually look great, especially for foam builds because they are mostly sharp angles and few curves. Are you doing this in pep?
nice, I've seen a couple of forerunner weapon builds on here and the usually look great, especially for foam builds because they are mostly sharp angles and few curves. Are you doing this in pep?

I wish! I am doing this freehand, so I have absolutely no idea how it will end up... but I will post progress as I go :)
I wish I had his chest file last year. Could've saved a lot of time because I scratch built my Rogue chest.
But at the same time, gaining the experience of scratch building feels really good :)
Nice helmet. The Rogue is probably one of my favorite (if not most favorite) armor set in Halo 4.
I might pep this bad boy too if I don't do the Protector helmet
thank you for the sub :) Yes, the Rogue set is pretty wicked, that is why I decided to use this as my first pep experience.

As I stated above, I am out of materials (mainly cardstock) for a couple of days, so I am focusing on a Binary Rifle. You might be able to see that I have a bit of EVA experience :)

Here is what I accomplished in the few hours I worked on it today. I think I will take a nap and pick up on this in a few more hours as I have been awake since 11pm PST last night. My sleep schedule is set to Australia apparently!


EDIT: Quick update for today... not too much work done because I was out getting my resupply. I am completely set for quite a while now :)

This sliced/pepakura hybrid style build is quite interesting to say the least. My mind wants to sway back to pep style, but I am trying to focus on sliced style. I think I am getting it, but it is taking some getting used to. Here is a quick shot of my small amount of progress I made today.



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I can already tell that this is going to be awesome.

I have been loving this build ever since you started, and can't wait to see more.

The rogue chest piece = pure awesome.
Must say that Aztlan's file is amazing. (Been using it as most of my reference pics for mine.)

You have a great talent with this stuff :)
Keep up the great work.
Major update time for the Binary Rifle! :)

I have been hard at work on this for the last few days, and now the fruits of my labor are starting to take form. I apologize beforehand for the amount of photos, but I feel they are necessary to demonstrate what I have done so far. With that said, please enjoy!

Here is the lower portion with the base layers. Because I only have 2-D side views, I had nothing to reference for the depth of the weapon. At this point, I was starting to get a bit worried that I over estimated the depth, but I was too far in to back off.


This pic shows the four layers just after they were glued together.


And here is the same angle after I used my dremel to even them up.


This picture displays how I make my next layered cuts. I first draw out the pattern, marking with diagonal lines where I will need to add contour later.


Here it is after I have transposed it onto paper.


And the piece after I have cut and shaped it.


And a quick skip to where I am now. The whole upper portion is mostly in it's crude state, and about a third of the bottom is finished.


And a quick shot of some of the detail (keep in mind that most of the parts are not glued or attached yet, they are just propped)


If I continue at this pace, the EVA work should be finished in about two days. I will not rush myself, but I must admit that I am getting antsy to get back to my new stack of pepping that is waiting for me!


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As usual, you are making some great progress and the work looks great! Love the idea of the binary rifle, can't wait to see how it comes together...those huge rifles are quite a sight!
As usual, you are making some great progress and the work looks great! Love the idea of the binary rifle, can't wait to see how it comes together...those huge rifles are quite a sight!

Thank you much Jester!

Today was another productive day for both projects. The Rogue set received it final exterior epoxy coat and I have started epoxying the Recruit pieces I have completed and the Mark VI (I think that is what it is) handplates.

On the Binary Rifle, I finished the main cuts for the rest of the rifle and also worked out a solution to what was going to be a major problem, rigidity. I stopped by my local thrift store and found a couple of aluminum wall shelving channels that are very light, strong, and the perfect width and length. After I installed them (just temporarily mind you), they gave the weapon the strength that it required for being so long and wiggly! On the top half, it is hollow, so I was able to insert the channel down the length, shoring it along the length to alleviate any side-to-side or up and down movement. On the lower length, I cut into the EVA the depth of the channel and inserted it to where it was flush. I have one more piece to go (the very bottom independent piece) and then I can continue on with the finish details. Here is what I have so far.

Basically showing the straightness of everything, as well as some of the detail work.


This one shows the overall "big picture" of where all the pieces go. I noticed on yesterday's posting, I had a pic of the upper barrel in the completely wrong place! DOH!


This is just another angle, but in this one, you can better see the channel on the lower barrel portion.


Now, I shall get back to work :)


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Yet another productive couple of days. I have been working on the structural integrity and electronics, but will just dictate what is up with pictures :)

There are two of these channels running the length of each "barrel"


And here is the channel that I used to connect the two main lower parts together.


To connect the upper rear to the lower rear portion, I knew that I needed something that would be extremely sturdy. The next four pictures detail this process. In this picture I show the holes I drilled into the lower portion and also the anchors I used.


Then, because the upper portion is hollow, I took pan washers and fished them into the chamber, then tediously finessed the screws through. This was not an easy task at all... hence the reason why I temporarily screwed the corks on to the end of the screw so that they could not accidentally fall back out.


Here are the anchors screwed in with an extra dose of hot glue in each hole.


And lastly I removed the corks, started the screws into the anchors, then applied hot glue between the two pieces, and proceeded to hurriedly seat the screws before the glue got too cool. Worked like a charm!


Even though you really can't see it in this photo, there is a 3/4" wooden dowel going through the light chamber. This dowel serves as the last structural shoring piece. In all, there are six lengths doing this job. This thing is super solid now, while retaining it's light weight.


Then it was time for electronics!


Here is the power switch, battery box, and the light chamber, all in position


And lastly, the circuit board I made. In all, there are two white LEDs in the light chamber, hook-ups for two super bright blue LEDs for the lower boxes on either side of the weapon, and one lead spare for each type for future additions.


I think this is where I sign off until tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed today's update :)


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