Props Br 55 Project.

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I've finally glued everything together... except i made a big mistake( i glued the heat shield backwards and i failed to make the functional bolt) so it's no longer accurate to the ingame br55 which is why i'm naming it the br55a2. I'll post pics later. Anyways, i tried paper macheing my old cardboard rifle and i was a little disappointed with the finish so i'm not sure what to do with my Br55a2. Should i just bondo the round parts and paint it? I'm afraid the cardboard may get soggy. I don't really know what to use to reinforce the cardboard. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Lots of thin coats of resin are the best bet. Don't glob it on. Just do 3-5 thin coats, then use Bondo Boddy filler to fill all of the exposed areas of the edge of the cardboard. It takes time, but works. (Used this on my cardboard BR, and so far, its awesome!) Just make sure you sand the resin befor bondoing, and then add 1 more coat of resin where needed after bondo. From there, sand one more time, sand again to be extra smooth, and prime/paint it.

Ive been doing this method for 2 years with no problems at all. The gun always turns out great. Trust me, it will work if you be patient, and always pay close attention to your work. Add small details that you think you could add with bondo and cardboard. Scratch build. Its always the best way to go.

Xtreme TACTICS 101 said:
Lots of thin coats of resin are the best bet. Don't glob it on. Just do 3-5 thin coats, then use Bondo Boddy filler to fill all of the exposed areas of the edge of the cardboard. It takes time, but works. (Used this on my cardboard BR, and so far, its awesome!) Just make sure you sand the resin befor bondoing, and then add 1 more coat of resin where needed after bondo. From there, sand one more time, sand again to be extra smooth, and prime/paint it.

Ive been doing this method for 2 years with no problems at all. The gun always turns out great. Trust me, it will work if you be patient, and always pay close attention to your work. Add small details that you think you could add with bondo and cardboard. Scratch build. Its always the best way to go.

Will resin work with foam board? Because i used the foam board for the details on the side.
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Xtreme TACTICS 101 said:
Lots of thin coats of resin are the best bet. Don't glob it on. Just do 3-5 thin coats, then use Bondo Boddy filler to fill all of the exposed areas of the edge of the cardboard. It takes time, but works. (Used this on my cardboard BR, and so far, its awesome!) Just make sure you sand the resin befor bondoing, and then add 1 more coat of resin where needed after bondo. From there, sand one more time, sand again to be extra smooth, and prime/paint it.

Ive been doing this method for 2 years with no problems at all. The gun always turns out great. Trust me, it will work if you be patient, and always pay close attention to your work. Add small details that you think you could add with bondo and cardboard. Scratch build. Its always the best way to go.

Oh, could you post a pic of your finished BR?
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#1- No, the resin will eat it and you wont have any board left... If you used cardboard fully, then yes, it would work. If I were you, I would rip the foam board off and re-do that part in cardboard. Just as long as the foam is gone, it should work out.

#2-My old BR was "KIA" due to me spilling some resin on it somehow (Cant remember). But my new one is better then the first. Its far more WETA accurate and its more Bondo friendly. I will PM or post a picture for you for referance later today/tomorrow.

As for some Constructive Criticism, the "Lower" wooden dowel is far to low. Use my old gun as referance for that:




Also, not trying to high-jack your thread, but its for your referance.

A little update. I apologize for not updating you guys for the past few months, i had finals to deal with and now i got freaken midterms in University plus my costume for halloween :D . So the project right now is going very slow. I've decided to try and make the bolt and somehow stick it in on the way. If not, may as well just resin/bondo and then possibly have someone make a mold for me then i'll stick in an electronics kit and a functional bolt. Hopefully it'll be complete at the end of this month. (hint for costume: an ODST DESERT WARRIOR. I suddenly had an idea of mixing real life with halo and possibly give the ODST a PMC(private miltiary contractor) or military look. I've got a coyote brown CIRAS vest on the way and hopefully i can get a helmet off Rube or ithica before the 31st) Thanks for reading. :D
Just coat your weapon with resin, the foamboard will meltdown though, so you should figure something out for that.

You could cover it up with something while you brush the resin on the cardboard.

The cardboard itself will harden like fiberglass and will be very durable and water resistant.

Dont use papier mache, it's nice for making decorations, but if you want to show off the BR more Resin will be alot more durable solution.

Remember your respirator!

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