C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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SSGLordErne you are welcome to meet at my place or go straight to the con. let me know what you want to do. I am in Lake in the Hills IL which is about an hour west of the city just north of 90.
We're currently looking at an airbnb like 2blocks away from the convention center. after taxes and fees and all that it looks like it's $1080 for 2 nights. splitting with 6 people (me, my fiancee, and 4 405th-ers) would be around $180 total per person. I've messaged the airbnb host for details and all that.
We're currently looking at an airbnb like 2blocks away from the convention center. after taxes and fees and all that it looks like it's $1080 for 2 nights. splitting with 6 people (me, my fiancee, and 4 405th-ers) would be around $180 total per person. I've messaged the airbnb host for details and all that.
Add me to the potentials
SSGLordErne tahu505 spitzkitz we're looking at bout 180/person for an airbnb for fri and sat nights. 2blocks away from conv center.

Only caveat is that I NEED one bedroom to myself and fiancee. the airBnB sleeps 6, so if we end up splitting it 6 ways it's 180/person for both nights, after taxes and fees and everything.

If it's split 5 ways with just the ppl mentioned here it's $216/person for both nights. so maybe we'd want one more person?

I feel like having an entire apartment to ourselves is way nicer than a hotel; you guys in?
Hey that's why I don't like autocorrect lol. I did not see any one with Cortana listed in the costume side that's why I ask
I'll be adding myself to the list as Cortana for all 3 days X3 heheh. And there are talks about a CORNtana baheheh, is that Farm enough? Also, i need to get with the airbnb peeps and jtf on some details. . . if i need to private message i can? I was allowed to room with JT for their group since the girls hotel room was full, but if there's one spot open in the BnB I'd... i think I'd be a bit more comfy that way? But i don't want to completely juss drop outta the hotel room if it's gonna make the cost spike for you guys though! I'm not sure who exactly to talk with about maybe changing it up? If there's still room in the BnB that is...,
I'll be adding myself to the list as Cortana for all 3 days X3 heheh. And there are talks about a CORNtana baheheh, is that Farm enough? Also, i need to get with the airbnb peeps and jtf on some details. . . if i need to private message i can? I was allowed to room with JT for their group since the girls hotel room was full, but if there's one spot open in the BnB I'd... i think I'd be a bit more comfy that way? But i don't want to completely juss drop outta the hotel room if it's gonna make the cost spike for you guys though! I'm not sure who exactly to talk with about maybe changing it up? If there's still room in the BnB that is...,
Yeah it's farming enough lol. I would like to get pictures of my chief suit with Cortana if you are ok with that.
Yeah it's farming enough lol. I would like to get pictures of my chief suit with Cortana if you are ok with that.
I'm fine with that! I'm waiting to find out specific arrival times and such with the person i'm riding up with before i put specifics on the board. But i'll be meeting and doing pics with a lot of people hopefully! I'd be happy to get some as well ^u^
Flights out on Sunday are nearly $100 more than flights out Monday (currently). So, I'll probably end up staying that night... but we only have the airbnb for Fri/Sat. Is anyone available to let me crash, or has a place that theyre staying through to monday? If not then I'll maybe bite on a Sunday ticket.
My flight was only $170 all in; where are you flying out of? Might be worth it to check if airports that are near you are any cheaper. I know when I fly out of RDU it’s sometimes cheaper than PTI or vice versa. An hour drive to the airport that’s near you might save you that $100.
Hey c2e2 people, i might be able to make this one but i won't know till early april, so put me down as a maybe, also if i could grab some floor at and airbnb that would be sick, don't plan a room for me cause im not sure ill make it yet but knowing i could have some floor real-estate would help me out.
Hey all, unfortunately I overlooked one of the details on my class calendar, and I have a school conflict that overlaps with C2. With that being said, I will not be able to make it this year.

Is anyone looking for a ticket still? I bought mine during early bird pricing and am willing to sell it for that price.

Edit: Tickets have been sold! Have fun for me, y’all!
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I have one spot left in my room at the Hyatt if anyone is still looking.
My flight was only $170 all in; where are you flying out of? Might be worth it to check if airports that are near you are any cheaper. I know when I fly out of RDU it’s sometimes cheaper than PTI or vice versa. An hour drive to the airport that’s near you might save you that $100.
Good advice, but there is only one airport by me and its 10 minutes away... haha.
Unfortunately this no longer applies because I forgot to buy my plane ticket, and now all of them are in the round trip ~$360 range :(((((((
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