C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

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Sharing the sign up sheet again.

We have a lot of unfilled slots, so I highly encourage everyone going to sign up for 2-3 slots to start if you haven't signed up for anything yet.
I've got a room booked and my weekend pass.
Going to start hammering down on the Mark IV once I get all my AMKE photoshoots edited and delivered (I literally took over 10,000 photos in 3 days :eek:).

Whether I have the Mark IV done or not, I would be happy to provide some photography services to the group during the Con to start getting involved.
I've got a room booked and my weekend pass.
Going to start hammering down on the Mark IV once I get all my AMKE photoshoots edited and delivered (I literally took over 10,000 photos in 3 days :eek:).

Whether I have the Mark IV done or not, I would be happy to provide some photography services to the group during the Con to start getting involved.
What camera are you shooting on
What camera are you shooting on
I have a Lumix S5M2 as my primary and the S5M1 as my secondary.
I'm usually switching between my 35mm f/1.4 and 85mm f/1.8 for portraits, the 24-105 f/4 for "walking around", and just in time for AMKE I picked up a 70-200 f/2.8 for Masquerade photos.
Sharing the sign up sheet again.

We have a lot of unfilled slots, so I highly encourage everyone going to sign up for 2-3 slots to start if you haven't signed up for anything yet.
Signing up for slots now, but I also fully intend to be in-suit for most of the Con, so if we need Spartans to roam/do photoshoots I'm pretty much good for whatever time!
i know this is dumb question but the ticket cut off date was march 3rd, i was wondering when they mail them out i have not seen anything. i guess im just excited
Update on Panels:

The big news first, We've got 2 panels for confirmed for Sunday!

Panel Name: Welcome to the 405th

Description: Step into the fascinating realm of Halo costuming at the Meet the 405th panel. Join the 405th Infantry Division as they unveil the global community dedicated to crafting Halo costumes and props. Discover who we are, what we do, and how to get involved, while learning about the supportive resources available within the 405th community. Whether you're a seasoned cosplayer or a beginner, this panel is your gateway to the artistry and camaraderie of the 405th. Don't miss the chance to explore the secrets behind creating stunning Halo armor and connect with like-minded enthusiasts!

Date: Sunday, April 28th

Time: 11:15AM-12:15PM

Rock Lobbster

Panel Name: Armor 101

Description: Immerse yourself in the art of Halo costuming with the 405th Infantry Division during our Armor 101 panel. Whether you're a seasoned cosplayer or a beginner, join us for an overview of the key steps involved in crafting Halo costumes and props. Explore diverse construction methods, from the precision of 3D printing to the versatility of foam and the intricate art of pepakura. Discover how to take your armor to the next level with electronics, adding dynamic elements to bring your creation to life. Bring your questions and let Armor 101 be your introduction to the world of Halo costuming, connecting you with the 405th community and inspiring your journey in cosplay. Don't miss this chance to get a glimpse into the fascinating process of creating iconic Halo armor!

Date: Sunday, April 28th

Time: 3:45PM-4:45PM

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