C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

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How are yall already planning april 2024 this is nuts
Probably a no for me as school will likely interfere, but ill let yall know if that changes
How are yall already planning april 2024 this is nuts
Probably a no for me as school will likely interfere, but ill let yall know if that changes
I have to plan far ahead with my line of work we are to have our vacation in by Jan 15. I missed out last year on getting to me a lot of the members not taking the chance again. I hope you can make it I would like to meet you have watched your video on you tube
There's always a chance I could make it but a lot of school is up in the air next april, so i can't make any commitments yet! I've always wanted to go to c2e2
So turns out school ends the week before so I can def go! For accommodations, I'd be willing to split a hotel room if someone has an empty bed. I can even sleep on an air mattress. I've also been looking at hostels as they are more in my student sized budget. Do you guys know of any hostels in Chicago? I've never been to the city before, is staying in a hostel a death sentence? lmk
It'd be helpful if we can set up a sign-up/planning form to coordinate people's rooming situations.

There is also talks of efforts to get the same floor block if possible for rooms so less forgetting who is up and who is down.
This would be great to get a group in the same hotel and on the same floor if we can make that happen.
I know that ive been slacking off on making my armor but this time I am trying my very best with the help from the best of the best
Attendance has been updated, I plan to start working on this event more after HCS Worlds, mainly booking space for our photoshoot and obtaining our photographers.
I'll be there, and will be grabbing a room in the Hyatt again.

NobleofDeath16 I might have missed where someone else said it, but a note should be added to pre-purchase a badge, as they ran out last year and we nearly had people stuck without them.

I actually forgot my pass at home (about 6 hours away) and had to purchase a new one at the convention day of.
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