C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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Interested in going but not 100% certain until I can find folks to room with, if anyone has extra space please do let me know... I don't take up much space ; )

I will probably fly out, but if anyone is driving past Charlotte let me know, I'd be happy to pay gas fees.
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Interested in going but not 100% certain until I can find folks to room with, if anyone has extra space please do let me know... I don't take up much space ; )

I will probably fly out, but if anyone is driving past Charlotte let me know, I'd be happy to pay gas fees.
Rooms havent opened up yet, but Im sure we can find space!

NobleofDeath16 do we want to add a section in the first post for people looking for rooms?
For folks who want to attend our big Midwest event, C2E2 2024, here is some important information;

Early Bird Pricing: Ends November 30 at 11:59 PM CT
Fri: $40 · Sat: $50 · Sun: $50 · 3-Day: $99 · Kids 3-Day: $20 · Kids Sunday: $10

SATURDAY tickets sold out by the time the event was rolling around, please keep that in mind. (Thank you Spidermonkey60 for the reminder.)

Get a good deal on tickets while you can.
[7:13 PM]
SAVE THE DATE The C2E2 2024 hotel block is opening soon!

Open to General Public: Wednesday, November 8 at 1:00 PM
98% sure I can attend this one. I would be willing to carpool from Twin Cities and possibly share a room dependent upon if family will travel with me or not. My wife travels to Chicago for work often and If I could line it up with a business trip for her then maybe the hole family will go with me.
HEADS UP! C2E2 PRICES GO UP AT MIDNIGHT - Last chance for early bird pricing!

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