C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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I’m still looking for a room if anyone has availability, really trying to avoid getting a place to myself
Just for organization, I currently have OFiveTwo, PapaSola, Lieutenant Jaku, looking for rooms. There is still reservations open for Hyatt which may be a good option, there rooms can comfortably fit 4, at max 5 if someone brings a cot
Just for organization, I currently have OFiveTwo, PapaSola, Lieutenant Jaku, looking for rooms. There is still reservations open for Hyatt which may be a good option, there rooms can comfortably fit 4, at max 5 if someone brings a cot

Confirm me as boots on the ground
Buying my tickets for Friday and Saturday now
If any of you want to coordinate with me on a room at the Hyatt please let me know soon if you can so I can possibly get that started
I am for sure if there are no other spots available for either of us,

I reached out to papasola last night and he's said he's still not sure if he'll be able to go at all.
Just waiting till I get paid right now
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