C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

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While at least a subset of us try to roll for the Photo Challenge Game and take prompted photos, given we have so many people, is there anyone here who'd be interested in trying to do the entire list of 100 photos over the weekend? Assign a handful of photos to each person to account for the solo achievable vs group photos and see how many we can get done over the course of the weekend. No one would be required to participate of course, but for anyone who wants to.
While at least a subset of us try to roll for the Photo Challenge Game and take prompted photos, given we have so many people, is there anyone here who'd be interested in trying to do the entire list of 100 photos over the weekend? Assign a handful of photos to each person to account for the solo achievable vs group photos and see how many we can get done over the course of the weekend. No one would be required to participate of course, but for anyone who wants to.
So what is the photo challenge remember im the old guy i might have missed it while i was napping lol
So what is the photo challenge remember im the old guy i might have missed it while i was napping lol
It's linked in the post as well, but more info at: Convention Game - Photo Challenge | Halo Costume and Prop Maker Community - 405th

Basically the actual game is you roll a d100 or use a random # generator 7 times and get your numbers (any repeats == reroll). There's a list of 100 photo prompts that you match up your rolls with the prompt of those numbers.

For example if you were to roll a
14 -> 405th member(s) sleeping
49 -> Halo: Memorial firing squad (e.g. Halo 3 end credits)
10 -> Group Photo, Rockette line or Red Rover
38 -> Halo: Spartan trading weapon with ODST/Marine

and so on.
While at least a subset of us try to roll for the Photo Challenge Game and take prompted photos, given we have so many people, is there anyone here who'd be interested in trying to do the entire list of 100 photos over the weekend? Assign a handful of photos to each person to account for the solo achievable vs group photos and see how many we can get done over the course of the weekend. No one would be required to participate of course, but for anyone who wants to.
yess that sounds like an amazing plan
It's linked in the post as well, but more info at: Convention Game - Photo Challenge | Halo Costume and Prop Maker Community - 405th

Basically the actual game is you roll a d100 or use a random # generator 7 times and get your numbers (any repeats == reroll). There's a list of 100 photo prompts that you match up your rolls with the prompt of those numbers.

For example if you were to roll a
14 -> 405th member(s) sleeping
49 -> Halo: Memorial firing squad (e.g. Halo 3 end credits)
10 -> Group Photo, Rockette line or Red Rover
38 -> Halo: Spartan trading weapon with ODST/Marine

and so on.
I'm down to do that again it was fun
It's linked in the post as well, but more info at: Convention Game - Photo Challenge | Halo Costume and Prop Maker Community - 405th

Basically the actual game is you roll a d100 or use a random # generator 7 times and get your numbers (any repeats == reroll). There's a list of 100 photo prompts that you match up your rolls with the prompt of those numbers.

For example if you were to roll a
14 -> 405th member(s) sleeping
49 -> Halo: Memorial firing squad (e.g. Halo 3 end credits)
10 -> Group Photo, Rockette line or Red Rover
38 -> Halo: Spartan trading weapon with ODST/Marine

and so on.
I'm up for this! Sounds like a good time
Also forgot to list that I'm 100% boots on ground now! I know it's already listed but I posted that on the discord and not here on the form... so for the official records let it be shown everyone's favourite Scot in the 405th... (the only active one of like 5 at most) is attending!!!! RAAAAAAA ALBA GU BRATH!!!
While at least a subset of us try to roll for the Photo Challenge Game and take prompted photos, given we have so many people, is there anyone here who'd be interested in trying to do the entire list of 100 photos over the weekend? Assign a handful of photos to each person to account for the solo achievable vs group photos and see how many we can get done over the course of the weekend. No one would be required to participate of course, but for anyone who wants to.
I’d love yo do this! Count me in!
While at least a subset of us try to roll for the Photo Challenge Game and take prompted photos, given we have so many people, is there anyone here who'd be interested in trying to do the entire list of 100 photos over the weekend? Assign a handful of photos to each person to account for the solo achievable vs group photos and see how many we can get done over the course of the weekend. No one would be required to participate of course, but for anyone who wants to.
Yes I want to 100% participate in this
While at least a subset of us try to roll for the Photo Challenge Game and take prompted photos, given we have so many people, is there anyone here who'd be interested in trying to do the entire list of 100 photos over the weekend? Assign a handful of photos to each person to account for the solo achievable vs group photos and see how many we can get done over the course of the weekend. No one would be required to participate of course, but for anyone who wants to.
Sounds like fun! Count me in!
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