C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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I have the room from Thursday at 3pm till Sunday at 11am. And yes I was planning on walking it says it is a 9 min walk to the center of you want to split the room with me that's great I up graded the room to two double beds. If you want just shoot me a DM and I can fill you in on more
I have my tickets purchased and a room to split so you can put me as Boots on the Ground!
Also keep in mind I have updated the voting for food options to reflect being only catering. I'd anyone has any other catering/potluck suggestions I am open to it
Canadians can’t vote

+1 vote for Al’s beef
I will be messaging all attendees shortly requesting your email details to start compiling what I need for the photo shoot and to create optional invoices for the individual content shoots with our photographers. With how large this event is looking to be I want all I's dotted and T's crossed sooner rather than later.
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