C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

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Hey all,

Here's the link for the booth sign-ups.
Booth Shift Sign Ups

You'll notice fields for Organized Roam to get groups moving about the con floor and getting eyes on our people all around the convention.

There's also pages for what costume(s) and props each person is bringing to help with ideas and organization at the booth. If you're at all interested in getting your deployment photos please check that box so organizers can ensure you get prioritized for those. I've offered to help in taking any deployment photos for those who want them.
Got myself signed up for some Costume slots, looking forward to it!
Sharing again to ensure it doesn't get lost. We have a handful of people signed up already. Given the number of people we have, asking if each person can sign up for 3-5 slots starting out, and we can fill in any gaps from there. Shifts are only 1hr, so you'll have plenty of time to still check out the con itself.

Here's the link for the booth sign-ups.
Booth Shift Sign Ups

You'll notice fields for Organized Roam to get groups moving about the con floor and getting eyes on our people all around the convention.

There's also pages for what costume(s) and props each person is bringing to help with ideas and organization at the booth. If you're at all interested in getting your deployment photos please check that box so organizers can ensure you get prioritized for those. I've offered to help in taking any deployment photos for those who want them.
Sharing again to ensure it doesn't get lost. We have a handful of people signed up already. Given the number of people we have, asking if each person can sign up for 3-5 slots starting out, and we can fill in any gaps from there. Shifts are only 1hr, so you'll have plenty of time to still check out the con itself.
Very, very tempted on coming to this. I may need some convincing or tempting offers regarding places to stay/rides depending on what's available. Not that I am without budget, but I am lacking in the free time department for proper trip planning. If anyone is open to discuss some options with me that would be sweet.
Looks like it's a go! I was successfully bullied persuaded. Unless something changes... Purchasing flights is insanely cheap right now ($158 or so round trip) so I see no real reason *not* to go.
Plans: I anticipate flying out in the afternoon on Friday, so I would need a pickup in the evening (9PM+) from O'Hare, if anyone is available. Worst case I'll take the train, which is still reasonable and at least gets me closer to wherever I'm supposed to end up, so I can also be picked up somewhere closer.
I will be likely leaving Monday as well (no specific time atm) so if anyone wants to carpool or whatever.
I am looking for a room, if anyone has any space, please let me know either through DM on the forums or Discord. Since I am arriving Friday and leaving Monday, I may need to do a little transfer across the room situation.

Fly in Friday evening (9pm+)
No place to stay yet
Leave Monday (no time yet)

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