Canadian Reg (Toronto, ON) - Fan Expo Toronto 2024

Quick question.
What will be best form of communication during the con?
Especially for us who need to grab our badges when we arrive.
Definitly the Montreal Discord server, as to we are posting any news there directly. We're slowly removing ourselves from the forums fully. If ur not on it yet, please send me a private dm I'll send you an invite.
I was thinking carrier pigeon

While we’re asking, what time are we meeting up on Wednesday?

Also, I’m not sure if he’s told you guys yet, JTF4 is no longer able to come.
Nobody informed me no. I'll change my list thank you.
N8TEBB Brody and I are aiming to be at the convention centre just after 4pm which is when our setup time starts.

For communication like valkydesigns said will be through the 405th Montreal discord, if you or someone you know is coming isn’t in that discord please let us know.
Ok I’ll aim to be there around 4pm as well, although you guys know me… getting to Toronto always takes a bit longer than I initially expect. I’ll let y’all know an eta when I leave tmr
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