Canadian Reg (Toronto, ON) - Fan Expo Toronto 2024

I am now confirmed to attend Friday to Sunday! There might be a small chance I won't be able to make Friday but there is a good change I'll make it
Sounds good :D Can you please go fill the form then with your informations^^ If you are not sure about Friday don't click it and simply inform me once you are sure to be able to make it :)
Currently awaiting approval for time off, but if all works out, I'll bring Cortana out for the Saturday and help as a handler if needed. (I'm experienced in all areas.)

Sunday TBD
I won't apply for exhibitor badges due to scheduling, but hope to see people again.
OK! Small recap so far for everyone that would like to staff at the booth! PLEASE READ ATTENTIVELY! Lots of important info!

Attending all days, setup and teardown:
Schankerz Cosplayer/Handler
WZProps (Will confirm closer due to job loss) Cosplayer/Handler
valkydesigns (Same then WZProps) Cosplayer/Handler
NewBrody Cosplayer/Handler
Ryujiro Cosplayer
N8TEBB Cosplayer
hoodster31 Cosplayer

Attending all days and teardown:
JTF4 Cosplayer/Handler
Rock Lobbster Cosplayer
Kaiser Cosplayer/Handler

Attending Saturday and Sunday only:
Parzival Cosplayer
Rosebud Cosplayer
FuriousFido Cosplayer/Handler
PaiganBoi Cosplayer

Others happy fellas:
Pixelcube attending Friday, Saturday and Sunday (No teardown) Cosplayer

STILL LISTED AS UNSURE! Please give me an update ASAP so I know if you are officially coming or not yet :)
arma358 attending Friday, Saturday, Sunday and teardown! Handler
JammedMite942 attending Friday, Saturday, Sunday and teardown! Cosplayer
Benton188 still did not answer the form at all!

Did I forget anyone? If you want to staff and didn't fill the form yet, please do so ASAP HERE!

ALSO please note that I currently have Schankerz NewBrody N8TEBB hoodster31 JTF4 Rock Lobbster Kaiser JammedMite942 looking for a room! WZProps and I currently have a room booked at the main hotel that we don't know anymore if we'll be able to keep due to lack of money. We MIGHT stay at a friend's appartment to still make it possible to come but it's all too far away to know for sure yet. EITHER WAY, if we keep the room we are currently looking for 2 people to fill the second bed and if not, well we might want to give that room to some peeps that needs it! The room is for Wednesday to Monday.

Little reminder, a voluntary monetary contribution from staff members during the weekend will be highly appreciated. These contributions will go towards paying for necessities for the group during an event, such as beverages, food/snacks, etc… You’re welcomed to give the amount of your choice, but we established that $20 is a good base that should get us covered. If there is excess funds after an event concludes, they will go back directly into the booth, either to purchase additional supplies or fund projects. Please let me know directly if you'd like to contribute! I'll mostly try my best to get food for everyone to avoid hours away from the booth from multiple staff members :)
OK! Small recap so far for everyone that would like to staff at the booth! PLEASE READ ATTENTIVELY! Lots of important info!

Attending all days, setup and teardown:
Schankerz Cosplayer/Handler
WZProps (Will confirm closer due to job loss) Cosplayer/Handler
valkydesigns (Same then WZProps) Cosplayer/Handler
NewBrody Cosplayer/Handler
Ryujiro Cosplayer
N8TEBB Cosplayer
hoodster31 Cosplayer

Attending all days and teardown:
JTF4 Cosplayer/Handler
Rock Lobbster Cosplayer
Kaiser Cosplayer/Handler

Attending Saturday and Sunday only:
Parzival Cosplayer
Rosebud Cosplayer
FuriousFido Cosplayer/Handler
PaiganBoi Cosplayer

Others happy fellas:
Pixelcube attending Friday, Saturday and Sunday (No teardown) Cosplayer

STILL LISTED AS UNSURE! Please give me an update ASAP so I know if you are officially coming or not yet :)
arma358 attending Friday, Saturday, Sunday and teardown! Handler
JammedMite942 attending Friday, Saturday, Sunday and teardown! Cosplayer
Benton188 still did not answer the form at all!

Did I forget anyone? If you want to staff and didn't fill the form yet, please do so ASAP HERE!

ALSO please note that I currently have Schankerz NewBrody N8TEBB hoodster31 JTF4 Rock Lobbster Kaiser JammedMite942 looking for a room! WZProps and I currently have a room booked at the main hotel that we don't know anymore if we'll be able to keep due to lack of money. We MIGHT stay at a friend's appartment to still make it possible to come but it's all too far away to know for sure yet. EITHER WAY, if we keep the room we are currently looking for 2 people to fill the second bed and if not, well we might want to give that room to some peeps that needs it! The room is for Wednesday to Monday.

Little reminder, a voluntary monetary contribution from staff members during the weekend will be highly appreciated. These contributions will go towards paying for necessities for the group during an event, such as beverages, food/snacks, etc… You’re welcomed to give the amount of your choice, but we established that $20 is a good base that should get us covered. If there is excess funds after an event concludes, they will go back directly into the booth, either to purchase additional supplies or fund projects. Please let me know directly if you'd like to contribute! I'll mostly try my best to get food for everyone to avoid hours away from the booth from multiple staff members :)
I'll also be available for the teardown on Sunday!
Look who got announced today :love:
I'll be attending with the 501st so I won't need a badge, and since I don't yet know my booth schedule with the 501st and won't until much closer to the event I can't commit to specific days/times, but I know I will have plenty of free time during the weekend and would absolutely be able to pop in and handle for a bit if needed, and if that's okay. It would be nice to get to meet some people in person and get a better look at your suits before I start on my own (I'm hoping to make it my winter project, fingers crossed!).
So in the end we got offered to stay over at a friend's so I can either get rid of my hotel room or transfer it to someone. Would there be anyone interested? It's a 2 beds room at the Intercontinental.
I have updated my response as some things have come up. Now only available for Saturday and Sunday, but I believe I can now stay later on Sunday to be a Handler. Looking for a hotel room to bunk in for Saturday night. I'll grab my own on Friday night just outside of town, then drive the rest of the way in in the morning.
I have updated my response as some things have come up. Now only available for Saturday and Sunday, but I believe I can now stay later on Sunday to be a Handler. Looking for a hotel room to bunk in for Saturday night. I'll grab my own on Friday night just outside of town, then drive the rest of the way in in the morning.
Thanks Benton! Noted! I'll let Schankerz know for the room!
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