Canadian Reg (Toronto, ON) - Fan Expo Toronto 2023

Fan Expo Toronto Attendance

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I'll be there all 4 days. Aaden will be with me Thurs, Fri and Sat.
Thurs and Fri we should be there at open.
Sat and Sunday between 11 - 12.
I'll be there all day Thursday Friday and Sunday. I'll be at my cousin's wedding on Saturday so sadly I'll be missing out.
I'm planning on being there from Thursday to Sunday, but I might need sometime off from the booth on Saturday or Sunday, one of my best friends want me to get him Peter Cullen's autograph
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ROLL CALL FAN EXPO 2023 :cool:
Hello there!
My name's Julie and I'll be in charge of planning the members for Fan Expo 2023! I would like everyone to please fill this form ASAP, as the event is coming fast! If you only speak French and need help understanding everything, please make sure to let me know, I'm a French Canadian, I can assist!

If you prefer to send me an email with the information, please make sure to send it to with ALL of the below information:
  • Full name
  • Username (not obligatory)
  • Email address
  • Availability (days + times)
  • Means of communication
  • Do you need a place to stay
  • Allergies (I'll be taking care of the lunch meals for everyone, so it's very important that I'm made aware!)
I'll be taking care of getting food for everyone during the day except for diner, so please make sure ton include allergies! Very important!
Thank you!
I did. Website did a weird thing and did not show your message until after I left my message. It's been acting a bit odd recently I've heard.
Got it! I sent you a DM for clarification on the communication part^^ Just need your discord account cauz you know, I don't know you haha XD
If all goes well with work schedule, I'm gonna aim for Saturday (Sunday TBD - though if anyone will require a ride this day, I can provide before leaving)
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All right gamers this will be the first poll for restaurant reservations, this will be for Thursday night August 24 at 9:30 pm, Storm Crow Manor.

Its a very cool spot downtown, just a short subway ride and walk away from the convention centre. Here‘s a link to the website if you want to take a look at the menu: Storm Crow Manor

This plan is not in stone since we still have to make the reservation but our idea is to be have everyone ready to go right as the con wraps at 9pm and begin walking to the subway. I’ll need numbers as soon as possible so we have a better chance to get in.

If you’re interested please react to this post with a :love:
All right gamers this will be the first poll for restaurant reservations, this will be for Thursday night August 24 at 9:30 pm, Storm Crow Manor.

Its a very cool spot downtown, just a short subway ride and walk away from the convention centre. Here‘s a link to the website if you want to take a look at the menu: Storm Crow Manor

This plan is not in stone since we still have to make the reservation but our idea is to be have everyone ready to go right as the con wraps at 9pm and begin walking to the subway. I’ll need numbers as soon as possible so we have a better chance to get in.

If you’re interested please react to this post with a :love:
Is it alright if i bring a friend along?
Even if you don't reserve for Thursday night, heck even if you're not coming to this event, double heck even if you're not in the same country.... you really need to see this restaurant's menu!! This place sounds so cool!
Is it alright if i bring a friend along?

I’ll get back to you on that once we’ve got everyone in the group accounted for. Reservation starts to cap at 11+ people, it may be possible but I don’t want to make any promises.
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