Canadian Reg (Toronto, ON) - Fan Expo Toronto 2024

Also update for me and JT:
JTF4 will be visiting me on the tuesday in windsor and we'll drive up together on wednesday. We'll both be able to help with set up. We're staying with some family friends of mine in burlington so we're no longer looking for a hotel. We'll commute to the con on the go-train (1 hour train). Hoping we'll be able to leave our suits at the con centre over night to save us the hassle of bringing them on the train every day
Also update for me and JT:
JTF4 will be visiting me on the tuesday in windsor and we'll drive up together on wednesday. We'll both be able to help with set up. We're staying with some family friends of mine in burlington so we're no longer looking for a hotel. We'll commute to the con on the go-train (1 hour train). Hoping we'll be able to leave our suits at the con centre over night to save us the hassle of bringing them on the train every day
Noted for setup for yourself and JTF4 thanks man :D

J Spartan 115 added to my list thanks :D
All signed up can't wait to see everyone again and new faces

IF YOU ARE GOING PLEASE MAKE SURE TO JOIN OUR BATALLION DISCORD SERVER!! We started to include all of Canada and it will be very important during the event! Send me a DM, I'll send you an invite!

Hi everyone ! Fan Expo is in a few weeks, this is an important message for all the booth staff specifically! Sorry, it’s a lot of info but it’s all important stuff so please read carefully! Our booth will be located around the same place we were last year, please see the attached image below!

SCHEDULE: Please note, if you signed up for a day, we expect you to be at the booth for a full day. Of course, cosplay breaks and times away from the booth are welcomed, but we expect you to make sure the leaders are informed beforehand and that we have someone to cover your spot while you are away. Communication is important and greatly appreciated!

I need confirmation from EVERYONE on this list please! Simply write confirmed in the #fanexpo2024 channel so I can see it, and tag me personally please!

Setup Wednesday: Times TBD
Schankerz , myself, WZProps , NewBrody , N8TEBB , JTF4 , Ryujiro and hoodster31 , are all on my list for the setup! We’ll hit you up closer to the date for the official hours for the setup!

Thursday: 4 pm to 9 pm
Schankerz, myself, Wzprops, NewBrody, J Spartan 115 , N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro, Hoodster31 and Kaiser , are all on my list for Thursday!

Friday: 10 am to 7 pm

Schankerz, myself, Wzprops, NewBrody, J Spartan 115, N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro, Hoodster31, Kaiser and Pixelcube are all on my list for Friday!

Saturday: 10 am to 7 pm

Schankerz, myself, Wzprops, NewBrody, J Spartan 115, N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro, Hoodster31, Kaiser, Parzival , Rosebud , FuriousFido , PaiganBoi , Pixelcube and Benton188 are all on my list for Saturday!

Sunday: 10 am to 5 pm

Schankerz, myself, Wzprops, NewBrody, J Spartan 115, N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro, Hoodster31, Kaiser, Parzival, Rosebud, FuriousFido, PaiganBoi, Pixelcube and Benton188 are all on my list for Sunday!

Teardown Sunday: 5 pm to 10 pm
Schankerz, myself, Wzprops, NewBrody, N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro, Hoodster31, Kaiser and Pixelcube are all on my list for Teardown!

BADGES: Like always, everyone will be getting a free badge! We’ll need to come pick you up at the South entrance if you can’t make it to the setup, so please make sure to send us a message in the #fanexpo2024 channel by tagging either Schankerz or myself to alert us of your presence!

ONE MORE NOTE: Please make sure to inform your leaders if you have anything that we should know. Do you have heavy anxiety, do you have special health conditions, etc? We will benefit from knowing and find the best way to help everyone to ensure that we have the best experience possible!

Salut tout l’monde! Fan Expo est dans quelques semaines, voici un p’tit message bien important pour le staff du booth spécifiquement! Désolé c’est beaucoup d’info, mais c’est toutes des choses importantes donc svp lisez attentivement! Notre booth sera localisé autour de la même zone que l’an passé, svp voir l’image attachée ci-dessous!

HORAIRE : Svp notez, si vous avez postulé pour une journée, nous nous attendons à ce que vous soyez au booth toute la journée. Bien entendu, les pauses cosplay et les temps en dehors du booth sont bienvenue, mais nous nous attendons à ce que vous vous assurez que les leaders soient informés d’avance et que vous avez quelqu’un pour couvrir votre place pendant que vous serez absent. La communication est importante et super appréciée!

J'ai besoin de confirmation de TOUT LE MONDE sur cette liste svp! Simplement écrire "confirmer" dans le channel ⁠Fan expo 2024 pour que je le vois et me tagger spécifiquement svp!

Montage Mercredi: Times TBD
Schankerz, moi-même, Wzprops, NewBrody, N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro et Hoodster31, sont tous sur ma liste pour le montage! On vous contactera avec les heures officielles du montage plus proche de la date.

Thursday: 4 pm to 9 pm
Schankerz, moi-même, Wzprops, NewBrody, J Spartan 115, N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro, Hoodster31 and Kaiser, are all on my list for Thursday!

Friday: 10 am to 7 pm
Schankerz, moi-même, Wzprops, NewBrody, J Spartan 115, N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro, Hoodster31, Kaiser et Pixelcube sont tous sur ma liste pour vendredi!

Saturday: 10 am to 7 pm

Schankerz, moi-même, Wzprops, NewBrody, J Spartan 115, N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro, Hoodster31, Kaiser, Parzival, Rosebud, FuriousFido, PaiganBoi, Pixelcube et Benton188 sont tous sur ma liste pour samedi!

Sunday: 10 am to 5 pm

Schankerz, moi-même, Wzprops, NewBrody, J Spartan 115, N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro, Hoodster31, Kaiser, Parzival, Rosebud, FuriousFido, PaiganBoi, Pixelcube et Benton188 sont tous sur ma liste pour dimanche!

Teardown Sunday: 5 pm to 10 pm
Schankerz, moi-même, Wzprops, NewBrody, N8TEBB, JTF4, Ryujiro, Hoodster31, Kaiser et Pixelcube sont tous sur ma liste pour le démontage!

BADGES: Comme toujours, tout le monde recevra un badge gratuit ! Nous devrons venir vous chercher à l’entrée sud si vous ne pouvez pas vous rendre à l'installation, alors assurez-vous de nous envoyer un message sur le channel fanexpo2024 en taggant Schankerz ou moi-même pour nous alerter de votre présence !

NOTE SUPPLÉMENTAIRE: Assurez-vous d’informer vos leaders si vous avez quelque chose que nous devrions savoir. Souffrez-vous de forte anxiété, avez-vous des problèmes de santé particuliers, etc. ? Nous bénéficierons d’être informés et trouverons la meilleure façon d’aider à garantir la meilleure expérience possible pour tous !

arma358 JammedMite942 I still have you two marked as "unsure". Can I please get a confirmation? If so, please confirm the exact days that you'll be present. (Including Setup and Teardown separately from open hours days please!)
Booth looks smaller. Too bad we didn't get the same spot as last year.
Does anyone know if we can store our crates with our armour under the tables again? Do we have a change room?
Oh btw. Looks like I will be coming on the Friday not as booth personnel but as normal con goer. Don't know if I'll be suited up though.
My youngest fits into Aaden's old MkVI armour and wanted to experience a con in costume for the first time.
So will mainly be there to pick up passes and drop my crate off for Saturday & Sunday (pending we can store them at the booth).
Oh btw. Looks like I will be coming on the Friday not as booth personnel but as normal con goer. Don't know if I'll be suited up though.
My youngest fits into Aaden's old MkVI armour and wanted to experience a con in costume for the first time.
So will mainly be there to pick up passes and drop my crate off for Saturday & Sunday (pending we can store them at the booth).
I already have you marked as non present Friday :)
Quick question.
What will be best form of communication during the con?
Especially for us who need to grab our badges when we arrive.
I was thinking carrier pigeon

While we’re asking, what time are we meeting up on Wednesday?

Also, I’m not sure if he’s told you guys yet, JTF4 is no longer able to come.
I was thinking carrier pigeon

While we’re asking, what time are we meeting up on Wednesday?

Also, I’m not sure if he’s told you guys yet, JTF4 is no longer able to come.
Although very reliable, I think carrier pigeons might be against some sort of health codes for the FanExpo people.
Please correct me If I am wrong.
Cuz if they are good to go, I'm all for letting loose an army of birds.
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