Cleveland Gaming Classic Info and Roll Call: September 20th - September 22nd, 2024

This guide has all the info on parking and loading for the booth.

Exhibitors Guide

Floor Plan Download

Our booth number is 450 and is near the North East entrance. It doesn't look like we will have the huge space like last time but are on the other side of the isle from it. Plan what to do with your crates accordingly. I'm not sure we will have much space for them.

Screenshot_20240914_151850_Samsung Notes.jpg
This guide has all the info on parking and loading for the booth.

Exhibitors Guide

Floor Plan Download

Our booth number is 450 and is near the North East entrance. It doesn't look like we will have the huge space like last time but are on the other side of the isle from it. Plan what to do with your crates accordingly. I'm not sure we will have much space for them.

View attachment 352498
Wow that's a huge downsize from last year
This guide has all the info on parking and loading for the booth.

Exhibitors Guide

Floor Plan Download

Our booth number is 450 and is near the North East entrance. It doesn't look like we will have the huge space like last time but are on the other side of the isle from it. Plan what to do with your crates accordingly. I'm not sure we will have much space for them.
To cut back on crates stacking up in our limited space, can we get some volunteers from the handlers to run them out to someone's car for storage. I can bring a dolly to help.
I can't do anything or sign up for anything any ideas why other than I'm old I can only read the sheet I can't highlight and put my name any where.
i will be there saturday but not friday i have a job at work i have to finish but i will be there on saturday morning.
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I can't do anything or sign up for anything any ideas why other than I'm old I can only read the sheet I can't highlight and put my name any where.
i will be there saturday but not friday i have a job at work i have to finish but i will be there on saturday morning.
If you’re on mobile, I don’t think you can edit the doc unless you have the google sheets app specifically. I went on desktop and was able to open and edit it.
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