Confucious' T Progress

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Aight update on resining!

Bicep Plates:

And the last Hip Plate:

Had to fix up the thighs and lower bicep piece so its shaped to my leg shape, other wise it would be hella wide.

Hmm Torso is really giving me a hard time though...
Aight new update on resined pieces:

Gauntlets (redone):

The other part of biceps:

I also did a thigh piece, but it was hard to take a picture of. All I have left is the torso and other thigh. Then I can start fiberglassing.
Zenzeigan said:
trouble resining the torso?

try using a coathanger or something to hold it up while you resin it

The coat hanger gets caught in the seams of the glued sides, and it seperates the pieces. I added some support struts to retain shape, and probably will have something to prop it upward. I just hope when I resin it, it is in the correct shape.
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Confucious T said:
The coat hanger gets caught in the seams of the glued sides, and it seperates the pieces. I added some support struts to retain shape, and probably will have something to prop it upward. I just hope when I resin it, it is in the correct shape.

another way, is get some reeeaaally old jumper that you dont want, get a friend to wear your respirator and wear the chestpiece OVER the jumper and resin it while its on him, hopefully keeping the correct shape.

if that wont work, just seperate it into smaller pieces then fix it together later
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Zenzeigan said:
another way, is get some reeeaaally old jumper that you dont want, get a friend to wear your respirator and wear the chestpiece OVER the jumper and resin it while its on him, hopefully keeping the correct shape.

if that wont work, just seperate it into smaller pieces then fix it together later

THis may sound stupid, but what is a jumper? A jumpsuit?
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Well. How ya'll doin. Its been a while since I've updated on my work that I've done. I've been doing alot of work on pepakura, by the way. I thought I finally show you what I'm working on to finish.

My Recon Helm:




And here are some other pictures of my work:

My Security, Recon, Daft Punk Helm, and Mark VI helmet tolem pole:


My Spike Grenade (the big spikes broke off, which sucks) :


My Mark VI Shoulders, hand plates, and one forearm:


My ODST and EVA helm:


My Spiker, Assault Rifle, Carbine, and Plasma Rifle:


Now, in case anyone is wondering about my ODST armor that I started a LONG while ago, I've decided to put it on hiatus for now. After some thinking, and alot of frustration with the arm piece, and just time consumption, plus personal things that have happened, I packed the pieces of armor in a box and stored it in my garage. Now, that doesn't mean I'm not gonna finish it, it's just not being worked on right now. The ODST armor was the first pieces of armor I ever fiberglassed and it's special to me. SO, that's why it is on hiatus right now. Of course, I shall finish it, one day. I mean, I wouldn't want to let SKG and Loess down, right? :lol

Yep, that about wrap's it up on my armor building as of now. I might update you guys on my Recon after I finish fiberglassing it.

Oh yea, also, even though I'm not on the Q&A Team for the forums, I'm willing to help as well on your armor problems. Just holla at me, send a message w/e you need, and I'll get back at cha later.

Payce out ya'll

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