Deployment FAQ

Just a thought - Any chance on getting the list of already-assigned numbers updated so new applications don't waste time requesting numbers that are taken?
Another thought: This deployment page is cross-linked and bookmarked by a lot of people so probably not the best choice to close and replace with new - but maybe delete all the content from 2017-2024 and start fresh at the beginning of the year?

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Just a thought - Any chance on getting the list of already-assigned numbers updated so new applications don't waste time requesting numbers that are taken?
Another thought: This deployment page is cross-linked and bookmarked by a lot of people so probably not the best choice to close and replace with new - but maybe delete all the content from 2017-2024 and start fresh at the beginning of the year?
Seconding this; As a newer member, I'd love if this list can be updated for everyone who has joined since the last update.

No idea what the process is on the backend for staff; if it's a manual process I do not envy who ends up doing it :lol: Wish I could help.

Big thanks if it gets done!
I appreciate the detailed break down for deployment! Quick question, Is this updated for 2025? If not, could you tell me where might I find the updated guidelines? Just making sure I follow the correct criteria with the builds. I thought I heard rumors about additional requirements like being active in threads and forums- reaching a specific number of posts with the 405th…
I appreciate the detailed break down for deployment! Quick question, Is this updated for 2025? If not, could you tell me where might I find the updated guidelines? Just making sure I follow the correct criteria with the builds. I thought I heard rumors about additional requirements like being active in threads and forums- reaching a specific number of posts with the 405th…
To be clear, Deployment is an entirely optional process that isn’t necessary for participation at events or membership. To deploy, one must be part of their regiment, which you can apply for once you pass your 50 post and 90 day requirements.
I appreciate the detailed break down for deployment! Quick question, Is this updated for 2025? If not, could you tell me where might I find the updated guidelines?
I do believe these guidelines are still in effect for 2025. If they are not, someone please correct me.

additional requirements like being active in threads and forums- reaching a specific number of posts with the 405th…
I believe you might be mixing up the Membership requirements with Deployment, however there is some cross-over.

For a person to become a member and consequently join their local regiment, they must have an account over 90 days old, and have made 50 posts/messages. And once you have joined your reg, you can apply for deployment. More info below on Membership.
I thought I heard rumors about additional requirements like being active in threads and forums- reaching a specific number of posts with the 405th…
Technically - yes, but in reality those restrictions do not apply to deployments. Those rules apply to being a full member & in kind, a member of a regiment which in and of itself is a requirement for deployment. The guidelines, to my knowledge as a member of 405th staff, have not been changed since the last time the original post in the thread was updated.

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