Re: Duke's Custom Reach Suit with Bruteshot (with Step by Step) +photos!!
Thanks guys!
Update below, but first...
Dude! That is Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to highlight your problems during the sizing stages. It is something not talked a lot about and seeing as how that is exactly where I am right now I will definitely be taking your advice during the process.
I seriously think you should copy and paste what you wrote to me into your thread, in either the first or last post, as a "what I learned kind of thing" there was some really good stuff in there.
I agree with the "be too big, than too small" part as you can always trim this stuff down, but much harder to stretch it out. And yeah, I was going for the triangle shape as a tank type soldier, which your advise on the shoulders will help with.
Really though, I'll probably be calling some of your tips out as I go along, so thanks and I do hope you check back often.
Thanks for the kind words:$ I might not have a bunch of experience, but might as well try to give back to the community that has given me the inspiration to even think about trying undertaking such a feat!
Indeed, trimming is very useful, though limited in what it can achieve.
While it is extremely helpful in fixing small mistakes, areas where the game model will not allow for a realistic size, or just to preserve sanity from rebuilding pieces, it DOES take a tad bit away from the actual 'halo accuracy'
But then again, when your strutting your stuff around, no ones going to say "OMG, HE MADE LIKE, THE BACK OF HIS BOOT TO SKINNY, LIKE, WOW, LIKE, MASTER CHIEF WOULD BE SO MAD, LIKE, THE NERVE OF THAT GUY *continued rants*"
Nah, they are going to be so impressed they wont notice half the details at first.
Then again, the paint job is really what the whole thing stands on. Amazing pepping/foam building can be ruined by a crappy paint job. But some amount of crappy pepping/foam building can certainly be hid, or camouflaged by an outstanding paint job!
And yes, Ill try to check up on this build as much as I can. I only regret I will not have much time in the upcoming months.
Awesome job so far! And I commend you for taking the time to resize that torso piece! It definitely looks proportionate now!
I also love how you decided to include the canister part, very creative! (but then again, why would I expect less from you

Also thanks a ton for the resining tips. I wish I saw them sooner.
I did like 3 coats on each side on most of my pieces. To wayyy more resin then I ever needed to use. Oh well.
And yes,
Cereal Kill3r's ideas are awesome!
I decided to use painter's stir sticks and clips for the main structure of my torso, then used popsicle sticks and clips to push out any smaller areas.
However in stead of hot glue, I used painter's tape. Simple, strong enough, and no need to mess around with a gun that squirts napalm glue ;D
Also, A quick tip (though it looks like you are already using it)
Painters tape is a resiner's friend!
Unlike most other tapes, it seems to be more paper related, and will actually (to some extent) soak up resin, just like paper (unlike plastic tapes. ie. household scotch tape). For holes, tie-together, or anything else you want to adjust or fix, I recommend using painters tape as an easy go-to. It resins almost exactly like paper, and can easily be applied. You can resin over or around it, and afterwards it can always be cut or just pulled off., or just left Not to mention it's bonding chemicals do not react negatively to the resin.
Not to mention it is easily ripped of a roll of tape by hand, and is plenty strong enough to 'weld' broken parts together, yet is considerable less sticky then ducktape.
There are places on my torso where the tape has just been resined down with the paper, and other then the obvious "there is a piece of tape right there!" there is no difference between it and the paper it is holding together. I will just bondo/paint right over it just like any paper part. Easy.
Keep up the great work, and I look forward to the progress pictures!