Elite Honour Guard Suit

Legend 113

Member DIN
So I'll be posting progress pic here of a halo suit I'm making with my younger brother, he did a sort of marine/light recon build while I was building my odst suit. And he did it mostly using just the scraps of foam that I wasn't using. So far we've done one gauntlet and we're part way through the second one, moving onto the shoulders after that. Also, we've been using MajWood's "Starting Elite Honour Guard" for references as we're free handing the whole build, not really sure how it'll turn out but we'll be doing our best.


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So I'll be posting progress pic here of a halo suit I'm making with my younger brother, he did a sort of marine/light recon build while I was building my odst suit. And he did it mostly using just the scraps of foam that I wasn't using. So far we've done one gauntlet and we're part way through the second one, moving onto the shoulders after that. Also, we've been using MajWood's "Starting Elite Honour Guard" for references as we're free handing the whole build, not really sure how it'll turn out but we'll be doing our best.
Dawg, I am so stoked to see how this one turns out
So... it turns out little brothers like to be very inconsistent with their decisions when it comes to cosplaying. About a month ago he decided to swap his elite build for a Boba Fett suit instead, (....exasperated sigh...) so now we're doing that instead. He made one helmet from free templates, but bought some files for the whole suit, and they came with a better helmet. So he's gonna remake that now, the chest armor is all done too. I'll get to get some photos on here later. Sorry to let u all down with the elite, I was really excited to build it with him, but he wanted a Boba Fett suit, so we'll build a Boba Fett suit instead.
So far we've finished the chest pieces and got them painted up, and the helmet.et is pretty much done. Might endure tweaking it a bit to fic the visor, but he's pretty happy with how it turned out.
Suits all done and dusted now. Behold the glorious-ish pics!

Last one is just for laughs XD


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... You think you might finish that elite anyway? That was gonna be an awesome build. Boba looks great but an elite is a much more unique cosplay.
Not sure, the only piece he ever made was a gauntlet too small for his arm. Always been a dream of mine so maybe later down the track. Currently my next project is gonna be a lif sized Warhammer Tau Crisi suit, (explained... a 2.8m gundam-ish costume) complete with speakers and working lights, and a lore accurate entry/exit of the suit/mech. I'm 1.9m so it's gonna be an effort getting the digi grade lega to cover the gap, but I'll see gow I go.
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